Sit, stay! (at your desk)

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My job requires lots of interacting with people. That means I'm usually in meetings, client visits, conferences and the like. Not being at my desk is a good thing because it means I'm doing my job.

A young senior executive recently joined our department and wanted to stamp his authority. Unfortunately he was too dumb to think of a good reason so he decided to make an issue of people not being 'present' enough.  He complained to my boss that I'm never at my desk.  My boss is a total pushover so he literally makes me sit there all day now.  

Fast forward to my next quarterly appraisal. I know better than to expect anything good, but I sat at my desk all quarter so surely I've paid my dues and there's nothing else to complain about right? 

Wrong. My boss said the senior exec complained I wasn't out visiting clients enough. 

You just can't win.

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