There's no colour for the sorrowful

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Word count: 1258
Triggers :  Homophobia from the 30s / 40s. Pining. Eventual relationship.
Pre serum Steve x Bucky

There's no colour for the sorrowful

When people turn 18 a monochrome tattoo appears on a part of their body. To indicate they indeed have a soulmate. Said Soulmate shares the same tattoo and once they meet the tattoo sprouts with colour marking them as theirs. However there's a 1/100 chance that someone doesn't retrieve a soulmate mark and as a result left alone forever. Bucky was one of those people. He had turned 18 weeks ago and yet no tattoo appeared on his body.

Bucky's P.O.V
I looked down at my arms. No Tattoo, legs? No. Shoulders. Wrists. Chest. Neck. Heck even my face but there was nothing. That was it. I was the one to never have a soulmate. I flopped back into my bed and stared at the ceiling as tears spilled down my face. I have to watch everyone fall in love in the background as i slowly die alone. I want to belong to someone, I want to know what love is. Yet I think I have an idea of heartbreak already. I've been in love with my best friend Steve for 4 years, who's oblivious to my love for him. He probably just wants to remain friends, and I can't exploit him by kissing him if he's straight. Yet I swore against my life to protect him in front of his mother. I told her that he was safe with me. How can he be safe with a fag?

Steve's P.O.V
"Hi Buck" I smiled at him as he shuffled in his bed so he wasn't facing me. I instantly frowned, had I done something? Did his date leave him?
"What you want?" His voice was hoarse as if he'd been screaming or crying too long as he tried to ignore my stare.
"Bucky? What's wrong." He snickered but I knew it was sarcastic. I definitely had done something.
"Don't you know it's rude to just barge into my room let alone my house without knocking."
"I...Ive been doing it for years without problem?" My stomach was knotting as I started to feel sick.
"I know, I'm sorry" he sat up in his bed to face me as I stared long at his face. He's normally full of life? Eyes always glistening. Lips always in a smile or smirk? Yet why now was he frowning as his eyes were dull and tear streaked.

3rd Person P.O.V
They stared at each other for too long. Both trying to figure out the others mind, but alas left with nothing. Steve frowned once more
"James Buchanan Barnes, you tell me what's wrong right now or god help me." Bucky looked down in shock. He said his full name. That never had happened before.
"I...I'm sick..Steve" he was good at lying. It was second nature to him by now.
"Oh...well I can take care of you, just as good as you take care of me. I promise you'll be better soon." Steve smiled as he walked up to the bed and got into it beside Bucky. "I promise." Bucky didn't return the smile, instead he was staring down the wall as if he was waiting for something to stare back. He never spoke, let  alone blink.

Steve sniffled lightly wiping his eyes, he didn't like seeing his friend this broken by anything.
"Please Buck. Don't be upset. I'm sorry" Bucky finally looked into his eyes  they glistened the tiniest bit.
"Steve. Go home, please. Your immune system is shit and heaven forbid I don't know what I'd do if you got sick as well." Steve's lips curled up into a smile and he laughed lightly.
"Ok Bucky, ok. I'll go, but hey get better soon so we can go out dancing with Peggy again. Ok?  ....Bye" As soon as Steve left Bucky wrapped his hands around the pillow and hugged it close to his body. It wasn't Steve he knew that. But the warmth calmed him. As he began to sob once more
"Bye Steve.....I love you."

Bucky's P.O.V
I went to the bar at the dancing hall. The only one that stayed up when the war was announced. Which I still had to fight in, yippee. I rolled my eyes at the thought. See I knew Steve wouldn't approve of me drinking, just like he normally does but. Who cares, right? Not as if I belong to Steve anyway. I don't have a mark. And if I did, it wouldn't be his. I drank whiskey like it's shots and got lost in my thoughts. I started to settle down a bit, or I was until I turned around to see the sight I thought I'd never see.

There was Peggy and Steve kissing and dancing like there was no tomorrow. The thought made me sick, let alone witnessing it. Steve had noticed me staring and started to wave heading up to me. I sighed.
"Hey Buck? I thought you were sick"
"Yeah well I'm feeling better." He smiled. Of course he did, he always does. I smiled back. Only it wasn't sincere, not in the slightest. There was my Steve with his soulmate!
"Hey Bucky so I know you don't really like talking about soulmates but. Why haven't you shown me your soulmate mark?"
I decided right then and there that I was going to confess, it was a bad idea but both ways this can go horribly wrong. I dragged him by the arm to outside as he looked confused.
"I don't fucking have one that's why, I'm just the stupid guy in the back who helplessly watches people fall in love. Knowing he will never have someone for his own. You know what Steve I love you. I'm in love with you and if that makes me a fucking fag then so be it, I'm a fag. Wanna know the worst thing though? I wouldn't hurt as much cause your straight. What hurts more is I had to stand and watch you fall in love with someone else. When deep down you could of been mine. So call me a faggot, beat me up. Never talk to me again but just know that girl is lucky to have you."

Third Person P.O.V
Bucky stood in front of Steve pouring his eyes and heart out in front of the boy. All Steve could do was stand hopelessly waiting for Bucky to finish his heartfelt sorrow speech.
"Buck...Bucky? James gosh darn it look at me!"
"I...I'm sorry, please don't hate me..."
"James Buchanan Barnes, I can't hate you."
Steve wrapped his arms around Bucky and pulled him close, he smiled as he looked at Bucky's neck.
"Hey Buck"
"Stop breaking your heart."
"Wh..what? Wh-why."
Steve just giggled and pushed Bucky off of him, Bucky was confused but before he knew it he was being turned around.
"I have sometime to show you."
"Shhh" Steve connected his lips to the back of Bucky's neck and kissed him. Bucky slowly whimpered that was in fact his  sweet spot.
"Steve! What are you doing..."
"Kissing your soulmate mark."
"My- what, b-but I don't have one."
"It's on your neck, Bucky I'm your soulmate baby." He turned around as a blush swept on his cheeks. Steve just pulled him in for a kiss on the lips.
"Let's go home Buck."

Maybe there is colour for the sorrowful after all.

(A/N this hasn't been proof read, and I have writers block so good luck.)

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