Dancings not a crime

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"What the hell are you doing?"

"Swing dancing!"

"Swi? What? Since when did you swing dance?"

"Funny story," Bucky was smiling whilst dancing around the living room of their small shared apartment. If you could call it that, to Steve the boy was having one heck of a spasm.
"I stumbled into a swing club. The rest is history, here I'll teach you"

He made his way to the smaller boy but Steve  screamed and ran around the room to get away from him. "James Buchanan Barnes, I will not swing dance with you!" James managed to grab him and put him over his shoulders. As they both laughed hysterically.

"I demand that you, Steven Grant Rogers, swing dance with the amazing, lovely, James Buchanan Barnes." Steve huffed and steadied himself off onto the ground breathing heavily.

"You're so sweaty, how long have you been dancing?" He stuck his tongue out at the taller boy in a way that could only be described as adorable.

"I don't know, but stay here and close your eyes I have a surprise!!" Steve grinned and covered his eyes with his small hands, however he couldn't keep still he shuffled his weight from one leg to the other in anticipation. It was fairly quiet, apart from the shuffling of his counterpart Bucky Barnes. That's when he heard it the soft melody of a piano, and then a saxophone maybe two or three. Guitars and drums and any magical sound he could think of. He opened his eyes and they widened in shock.

"No way!" James smiled a blush spread across his face. "Buck, holy! How much was this?! It's amazing!" There sat a record player. Which must of been tons of wages and if he wasn't in so much awe over it he would of been screaming at Bucky.

"So will you dance with me, Steven?"

"Yes, James you can teach me your wacky swing dances, but first let me kiss you."

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