Your name is James Buchanan Barnes

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Word Count: 497
Triggers: None

The winter soldiers fist swung down to hit Steve in the face. He fell back clutching at his nose, this isn't how he wanted to be reunited with his best friend and only if he'd been quicker 70 years ago then just maybe the Bucky he knew and loved would still be here.
"Bucky please......stop" Steve stammered up to swing a punch himself only for it to be blocked.
"Who's Bucky?" At this point Steve was crying he would do anything to have Bucky back. He slammed his shield into The Winter Soldier just as he kicked Steve in the head, both fell over. One crying, one angry. "IT DOESN'T HAVE TO END LIKE THIS!  BUCKY I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE SOMEWHERE KEEP FIGHTING PLEASE." Steve was grabbed by his neck and slammed back into the floor.
"Bucky!!" Steve was trying everything in his power to fight The Winter Soldier off of him. He heard Bucky in there he knew he did. Steve kicked hard enough for the Winter Solider to fall back and off the ledge.

The Winter Soldier was falling unconscious fast, Steve knew he would slam into the water any minute now. "Buck...I'm coming hold on..." he jumped. now falling with Bucky he grabbed a hold of his unconscious form and turned them around so Bucky was on top of him. Maybe then the impact won't be as damaging to the boy he knew was still in that body. They slammed into the water. It was dark but Steve despite the pain dragged them to the shore his vision blackening. The cold water woke him up minutes later. How long had it been he was unsure. Steve turned to the assassin next to him.

"Bucky...." Steve put his hand on the boys face and stroked it gently. "Bucky....please I know you're in there wake up. Fight him away please. I need you Bucky." Steve's eyes were blind with tears as he hugged into the unconscious boys chest. "Your name is James Buchanan Barnes, your birthday is March 10th 1917. It's Steve your best friend....BUCKY WAKE UP PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN!" Steve slapped him in hopes he would wake up but alas nothing.
"Bucky I love you please wake up," Steve attached his soft lips to Bucky's cold one and kissed him. "Wake....up"

"S...Steve?" the boys eyes fluttered open as he adjusted to the light. "Steve...." Steve looked at him crying harder grinning.
"Bucky... you remember!?"
"Bits" Steve frowned hugging Bucky tightly. He didn't hug back. "I...I killed those people didn't I. I'm a murderer! you should of let me die."
"Shhh Bucky it's ok. You're not a murderer it wasn't your fault. I'm here it's ok" Bucky sat up hugging Steve back.
"Steve I need to tell you something."
"What is it Buck?"
"I...I love you."
"Oh Buck, I love you too."

( A/N  It's short I know)

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