You're here? I thought you were dead

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Word count: 546

The cold sweeps through the town and welcomes it into its Autumn atmosphere. A boy sits tapping his feet to the beat of the stereo alone. Two months ago his best friend had gone on a mission that was only meant to last a week. But weeks turned into months and he was never heard of again.

Bucky's P.O.V
The music is drowning through my ears and I feel there's no escape. I'm stuck in a bubble that can only be popped by the familiarity of my best friend. He's gone. He has been for months now, and he's never coming back. That I can tell. So I let the music course through my body in an attempt to lift my spirits. It doesn't.

When was his last meal? He couldn't tell. He stopped eating meals months ago because it reminded him of the times he would sit with his best friend and share a meal made with friendship? Love? Who knows , but it's not love if ones gone. Don't get him wrong he has been eating but never was it a full meal.

Bucky's P.O.V
I stared at myself through the mirror. The familiarity of myself had long gone. Who was I? I was nothing without him, that I knew. We depended on each other for everything. Wether it was fighting, eating or plain entertainment. And I was happy, we were happy or so I thought. My eyes had darkened to a deep blue sea and the bags that were ever so dark left me wondering if I was to sleep now, would it kill me?

The boy didn't get to say goodbye to the other he left with a note on the desk and a hundred thousand memories swarming his busy head. He didn't stop those memories, everyday they filled his mind like a picture book. A recurring nightmare that kept him up night. When did His Steve decide would be the last moment they had fun? When did his Steve decide he wasn't good enough to stick around? The mission wasn't mandatory yet he left anyway? Was he too much to handle.....

It's New Years Eve, the boy sits alone tapping his feet to the beat of the stereo alone. Three months ago his best friend had gone on a mission that was only meant to last a week. But weeks turned into months and he was never heard of again.

Buckys P.O.V
The music is drowning through my ears and I feel there's no escape. I'm stuck in a bubble that can only be popped by the familiarity of my best friend. He's gone. He has been for months now, and he's never coming back. That I can tell. So I let the music course through my body in an attempt to lift my spirits. It doesn't.

Knock Knock Knock

The door taps and taps as I drag myself towards it. Who could it be? Especially on a night like this... Steves gone and I shut my friends Sam and Natasha out because I didn't want them to see me depressed. I steadily open the door with shaky hands.

"Hi Bucky"

(A/N I think it becomes more and more obvious the Oneshots I don't proof read)

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