Oh yeah sure

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"So...you and Bucky? Had fun last night right" Tony was looking Steve straight in the eyes whilst smirking before sipping his coffee and trying not to laugh. Yes the whole tower thought they were doing it last night.

"Oh yeah sure?" Steve just shrugged looking confused which provoked Natasha to chuckle.

*reverse to last night*

"Bucky stop...ahh!" Steve was dodging Bucky as he was hitting him with pillows.

"But its a pillow fight!" Bucky just kept hitting him with pillows until Steve accepted defeat. Which he did lying down on the bed panting heavily as Bucky lay beside him laughing.

"Oh I know Steve!"


"Bet you can't jump really high from this bed and touch the roof."

"Ha you bet your bottom dollar I can!"

Steve stood up and started to get ready to jump. He giggled and jumped as high as he could nearly reaching the roof but not quite before crashing down onto the bed with a thump.

"Omg Steve you broke the bed!!"


Both stared at each other in shock. Face flushed from laughing to much but started to laugh uncontrollably none the less.

"That was..."

"Devastatingly amazing ?"


*meanwhile in the kitchen*

"Natasha they broke the fucking bed."

"Tony calm it's not as if they're doing it..."

"I swear they are they're breathing heavily and I heard them saying that was amazing and people do that after having sexual intercourse. I can't believe they would do that IN MY STATE OF THE ART TOWER!."

"Alright alright calm iron boy"

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