I dont want to leave you

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Bucky's P.O.V
I watched as Thor cut Thanos with the axe,  It was over, we won. I could go back to working on Wakanda everything will be normal again, I could be with Steve.

"Should of Aimed for the head." Was all I heard before my body went numb.

"Steve?" My body was numb but started to tingle like pins and needles but worse. I couldn't describe it.

"Steve?! Omg what's happening?!...it hurts. Steve it hurts help..." the feeling was too much and I fell onto my knees as tears streamed down my eyes and I sobbed.

"Steve...please I don't want to loose you again...please, what's happening?!." I felt him scoop me into his arms and he looked me in my eyes as he rubbed his thumb against my cheek his own tears wetting my face .

"Buck I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry Bucky I don't know what's happening I don't know what to do Buck.! I'm sorry...I'm sorry.. SOMEONE PLEASE WHAT'S HAPPENING." he looked down at me again and kissed my head and then my lips. I looked down at my legs and watched my self slowly fade away.

"Steve. I love you. I've loved you forever. Since
You were a kid from Brooklyn to now. I'm sorry it ended this way baby...but This is the end of the line pal...don't wait up for me.. I love-"

Third Person P.O.V
He faded away to dust in a blink of an eye. It felt as if he wasn't even there to begin with. All that was left was a sobbing Captain America desperately scooping up remains of the dust and clutching it close to his chest as he whimpered. His Best Friend, Carer and Lover had slipped away from him once again. Only this time was he ever coming back?

He sat with Nat  an hour later as she  tried to calm him down. "I was going to propose Nat. I love him so much." He sobbed between his sentences as the woman had her own tears prickling at her eyes. Everyone they ever loved seemed to dissolve into old memories. "I remember one time how I-i got sick and I was freezing cold..despite it being so hot out and.. James he, he was shirtless it was that hot and I was in what seemed like a th-thousand layers and heh.. I was so cold that he just placed me on h-his lap and hugged me... said that the heat from his body would warm me up... I knew it was just an excuse to embrace me in his arms...that was the first time I knew I was in love Nat. Now he's gone....I don't know what to do."

Steve P.O.V
"It's been 3 months Buck, everyone is speculating that you are all alive just trapped in the soul stone. Shuri, Bruce and Tony are trying their hardest to figure out how to get you all back. God I miss you...I went to the Captain America section in the museum, I stared at the section dedicated to just us for hours. If only they knew what our relationship was really about.. heh.. the apartment seems so empty. I miss you so much baby I just want you back in my arms again? If you can hear me....I love you so much I hope you're ok wherever you are."

I left his grave, it's not his but it was one they made after everyone thought he died in WW2 even if he wasn't in there talking to the Stone with his name on it calmed me. I moved to another one a couple of minutes away and sat in front of it.

"Hey Peggy"

Buckys P.O.V
I heard him. I don't know how but I heard him! I sat in the corner of god knows where away from everyone else that sadly faded away. We were all here but I stayed away from them.
"Oh Steve..." I whispered as I cried again. It's as if he was with me. I felt his touch despite him being so far away. I just stared into the abyss alone.

"Till the end of the line...."

(A/N hi this was a bit random Ik and I'm also aware that the only person that felt their death out of the dusty boi's was Spidey but I wanted to make this so. Yeah hope you guys enjoy)

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