Bruises and buttercups

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Steve's P.O.V
I dragged himself back to the apartment. Shivering in the cold, blood sweeping down my nose like a crimson waterfall. What would i tell Buck?

"Oh hey I uhh...fell over?" No that's stupid. "Oh so I was climbing a tree and well fell?" Not that. Steve you can't even climb the stairs, let alone a tree. I sighed one shaking hand caressed the banister as I began to drag my wobbling knees to the door. I opened it slowly, as if to try not make a sound. I was sneaking off into the bathroom when I heard Bucky's voice from the sofa.

"Umm stop trying to sneak past me I can hear you" Bucky turned around to look at me and I gulped. "Woah, did you fall from heaven?" He smirked with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"What? No?" I was confused, tired. I just wanted to sleep. He chuckled,
"Cus you have a massive bruise on your face and it's concerning me"
"wow real classy Barnes, bet you that pick up line could get ya a dame"
"Ha you wish, that pick up line is reserved for idiots who come home with bruises on their faces for no reason." He got up and led me to the bedroom, pushed me on the bed then went to go get a damp cloth.

I removed my jacket but instantly regretted it, I was freezing. And of course Mr perfect had to point that out. And what did he say? 'Holy shit Steve your shivering?'

"Holy shit! Steve you're shivering" told ya. I know I was cold, I just let out a whimper as I reply, I didn't want to be scolded like he was a mother giving a kid into trouble. "I..I know, I can feel it." He sighed and placed a damp cloth on my cuts and bruises. I winced out in pain.
"Oww Buck that hurts!!" "Shush babe and sit still." Did he just call me babe?

Bucky's P.o.V

Did I just call him babe? I was panicking my hand shaking a tiny bit, I stayed calm tried to ignore the glint in his eye. Curiosity? Happiness? I didn't want to ponder. I was nerve wrecked. The boy in front of me is the boy I've been pining over for months now. The boy I just called babe. If I laugh will it seem like a joke? Will it hurt his feelings? I didn't know what to do except place the cloth down, and kiss him. Yeah like an idiot, I kissed him. He didn't kiss back, I stopped, froze more like. I could feel tears forming so I thought of literally anything to stop them. But he cupped my head in his freezing hands, rubbed his thumbs against my cheeks and he told me he loved me.

"James....hey don't cry, i love you. It's ok, I know how hard it's been to keep your feelings bottled up, I could see that you've been pining. Forget that now, because right now you're so beautiful and I love you. I love you Buck"

He kissed me, it was sweet, his lips however tasted like blood. It didn't stop me though. All I know is that in this moment, this boy, he's mine.

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