You hate me i know you do.

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The high pitched ringing, swam through his ears as he let out a scream of cries shuffling away into the dark corner. As he gripped his matted hair and let out waterfalls of tears he wished, prayed. That no one heard him. That he could be left alone. He loves Steve he has since he met him. He knows how stubborn he can be. If there's something wrong he'll get it out of you. So if it was Steve he awoke with his blood curling shouts of help, he knew it would be too late. 

"B...Bucky? Are you ok? I heard you scream. Nightmare again right? It's's gonna be ok...where are you it's really dark!" Steve came stumbling into the room, Bucky guessed this was the case way before he even shuffled himself into the corner to make sure Steve wouldn't see him like this. He was a grown man for gods sake, not a child after watching a horror movie. "G...go away" his voice was scratchy and on the brink of going.

Steve ran up to the source of noise and flung his arms around Bucky in an embrace. Bucky sat monotone for what felt like ages.
"Bucky talk to me please! I'm not going to hurt you, you know I won't. You know me!! I'm not Hydra. Please Buck talk" minutes past. Steve was about to let go. Let Bucky go and walk away. He was grabbed back and Bucky held onto him. In a hug that he wasn't going to let go of. This was the first time Bucky had hugged him since he fell of the train. Since his life got completely destroyed.

" it really you"

"Yes's me"

"You hate me don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You want the old Bucky back. You hate what I've become. You'd rather be in Brooklyn with the old me....and I get why...I get why you hate me. Why I'm disgusting and a burden....I get it"

"James Buchanan Barnes. You haven't changed, your personality. All that you know it's in there. Why else would you pull me out the water? You have a heart of gold that's been shattered to flakes. But that doesn't mean that you're gone. I can't imagine what they did to you. Listen. Bucky....I love you. I've been in love with you since you saved my ass in that fight. When you let me stay with you after my mother died. No one else would of done that for me. Just...I don't hate you"

"Steve, if my memory is correct. I...I love you too."

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