Each other

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They exchanged wedding rings that night, in the quiet of their shared apartment, the only place they could be safe. For just one night they wished they could love each other freely, to eat ice cream on the pier and slow dance in the dark, no fist fights in the alleyways, no homophobic slurs and no life without Bucky. Steve was lost in thought about it all, how he laughed at Bucky's weird dancing in the living room and how Bucky had spun around got down on one knee and asked the boy to marry him. How they kissed and held hands and taught each other hopelessly how to dance. They caressed each other and held each other close whispering sweet nothings in each other's ear. Now Bucky was gone, off to war and there was a high chance he was never coming back, Steve had tried, desperately to get drafted, if there was a slight chance to see his fiancé again he'd travel the world and back. But he knew his efforts were in vain, there was nothing he could do as he lay there shivering in his bed alone.

The sun was blaring that morning in through the window as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, he looked down to see two hands wrapped around his waist as he began to freak out looking at the intruder, he started crying, gently slapping the other person awake.
"Oh hey Stevie"
"Buck?! What are you doing back?"
"I'm home now for good angel, did you miss me?"
Steve wrapped his arms around the boy snuggling into his chest and smiling wide.
"Of course I missed you, I couldn't stop thinking about you it was driving me mad!"
"Oh? Is that so" Bucky smiled lifting Steve onto his lap and kissing him passionately.
"I love you so much Steve you're the greatest thing in the whole entire world, the brightest star in space, and other things that I can't be bothered thinking of."
Steve laughed through the kiss.
"I love you too Bucky, I love you too"

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