Steve, draw me like one of your french girls

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Word Count : 637
Triggers: Drunk Bucky

It was no surprise to Steve when Bucky returned home drunk. Since Brooklyn in the 40s it was a recurring theme for the man. Don't get me wrong, he loved Bucky to pieces. However as soon as that man was drunk he was mega flirty.

Steve's P.O.V
I sat perched on a chair in my room, I knew Bucky wasn't going to be back for another half hour so I decided to bring out my sketch book and draw. As I looked through my sketches my heart started to flutter. Most of them were of Bucky and it made me realise just how in love with him I actually was. I wouldn't tell him that though the cocky bastard deserves no satisfaction. I'm joking. I picked up my pencil and started to sketch random things such as landscapes, eyes but every drawing led me back to him.

Third Person P.o.V
The door opened and Bucky walked in. Or staggered in really he was wasted as usual and started smiling wild when he saw Steve drawing. He loved Steve's sketches and especially loved the ones of him. Steve never knew that he had seen them though which broke his heart because he wanted to spill his feelings onto the boy but got nervous everytime. Steve had his headphones on and was too busy to notice Bucky standing there. Bucky had an idea.

Bucky's P.O.V
He never saw me come in. Hehehe I had a plan. A bad one but it was a plan never the less. I was going to get the boy hot and flustered and make him confess his love for me because it was so obvious it was there. I giggled as I clambered into the bathroom and took off my pants. Was I really going to do this? Uhh heck yeah. I stared at myself in the mirror. Really tight tank top? Check, America boxers which looked like really suggestive booty shorts? Check. Was I really going to try seduce my long time best friend / crush. ? I kept questioning myself.  I knew my drunk ass was gonna do it anyway absolute drunk Bucky style.

Third Person P.O.V
Bucky sat down on the floor smirking. He put one leg up to expose his thighs as much as possible and ruffled his hands through his hair to make it look messy. He let out a sigh and stared to talk.
Steve turned around upon hearing his name to look at whoever was there. His face lit up with a blush as his breathing hitched. "B...Buck?! Wh-what  are you doing!"
"Steve, I love you so much. Draw me like one of your French girls!!" Bucky whined. He whined and Steve blushed even more gulping slowly. This was next level drunk Bucky and he definitely was going to talk to Tony about this in the morning for getting Bucky this out of it.
"Bucky you're drunk.!" Steve got up and walked over to Bucky holding out his hand for Bucky to stand up.
"C'mon I'll take you to your room." He started to lead him out the door before Bucky stopped.
"Steve. I've seen the sketches, hehe I've seen how you look at me. The way you check me out from time to time. And I know you see me do it back. Steve c'mon please. I love you."
"Buck...I love you too."
Bucky slammed his lips onto Steve's it was messy and sloppy but he was drunk and in bliss. They both wanted this for so long and it finally happened.
"ok Buck you can sleep with me tonight."
Bucky's eyes lit up. "Not in that way, that's for when you're sober."
"wait, hehe you'll smash me when I'm sober? Heck yes! Goodnight Stevie."
"Night you drunk fool."

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