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I snow travelled to Olympus, and found the place deserted other than big sis, who was tending the fire, a blank look on face suggesting that she was watching over the great battle with magic.

"I have returned 'tia. Where are our family?''

"They have gone to fight Typhon. The most dangerous monster and father of all monsters.'' She said sadly.

"Do you know where Kronos is?''

"Yes... he's resting in Aunty M's garden emporium'. The place you rescued Peter and Annabeth from.''

"Thank you sis, I'll go there immediately, wish me luck, and just in case, goodbye.''
Hestia hugged me and whispered comforting words, touching the her/my tattoo, which gave me power as it glowed dimly orange.

I smiled, and let go.
"Goodbye, and thank you.''

I shadow travelled to the emporium, and I attacked.

Thankfully, I caught my evil grandpops by surprise. I jabbed at his heart, and was successful, much to my surprise. Father had told me that he had the blessing of the Styx.

That was when I remembered... unfortunately he had three hearts, and I only managed to destroy one of them.

I froze when I saw who I stabbed. It was that boy, the boy he had rescued so many years ago. Luke.

The only proof I had that he was Kronos, was his golden eyes, his gold and black scythe, and the cruel yet surprised look on his face.

"Who are you, and how dare you destroy one of my hearts!'' Yep, definitely grandpops.

"I am Perseus Jackson, your worst nightmare.''

He grinned evilly with a hint of humor. "Who?''

"Ohhh SPICY!!''I cheered. "Also, would you answer this like a trivia question? Why'd you have three hearts?"

"One for the past, the future and the present."

"Hmm, you don't seem as evil as they say, but I have to defeat you because I love my godly side of the family very much. I have quite a lot of godly heritage as well. Most of them are fighting Typhon.'' I said sadly.

"And you don't seem bad yourself. I'm only unleashing the monsters because all the demigods have gotten big headed over the years. I just want them to respect their elders. Luke kindly offered his body for me. Sadly, he's the hero of the prophecy, he will have to die.'' He said, with true remorse showing in his eyes.

"May I offer you a deal grandfather?'' I asked.

"Deal away.''

"If you call off Typhon, I will ''kill'' you, and go to camp half-blood, and show them how to respect evil, after all the world is a giant yin and yang. Light and Dark must be balanced.''

"Will you swear? And which godly parent do you have? If not, you should be one of the gods. You are definitely stronger than most. I would also like to thank him or her for raising a wonderful young man.''

"Thank you grandfather. I was adopted by Hera, Hestia, Artemis, Apollo, Hades, Persephone and Khione.''

"Well I, Kronos, Titan of time and agriculture swear on the river Styx to call off all of my monsters including Typhon as long as Perseus Jackson agrees to my terms.''

"Agriculture?" I couldn't help but smile. Titan of time, father of the mighty Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, devourer of his children and son of Gaea. Who would've thought? The Titan of agriculture?

"It isn't so much now, but to be a titan of agriculture at the time was an important part which lead to my power. Every one relies on agriculture. It is what sustains them. My scythe is there for a reason. Why do you think the Grim Reaper holds a scythe? Because he wants to gather some wheat?"

"Point: Kronos" I admitted, then began my oath.

"I, Perseus Jackson swear on the river Styx to call myself, camp leader and teach gods and demigods alike to respect Kronos's choices as long as Kronos agrees to my terms.''

Thunder rumbled. The deal was made.
Then suddenly I was shot by a gleam of golden light. I felt the threads of time it's self.

"You are the first demigod to ever respect me and befriend me, when Luke only feared me. You have my blessing. Goodbye Percy. See you soon.'' I looked around for any new tattoos, but he just smiled.

"Titan. Remember?"

With that said, he and his army disappeared.

As if they replaced the army, three old ladies appeared.

Why is it always me?


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