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I flashed us to camp half blood and looked around the place. Khione and I walked over to the dining pavilion together with Jason, Piper and Leo. I was thinking about how those three reminded me of myself.

Leo reminded me of my younger self, no responsibility and reckless, yet wise when it came to his own domain. He joked around to hide his own emotions and felt broken for always being the third wheel. I was often referred to as the stupid brother because, apparently seaweed clogged my brain but I was actually quite smart. Only my parents and my closest sisters seemed to understand that. Heck, Hades, Persephone and Khione adopted me for my knowledge! I would look into Leo's eyes and see the guilt within them. I heard that his mother was killed in a fire, and he's a fire user. He most definitely blamed himself. I acted like a kelp head so that my anger towards Gaea, Gabe and Poseidon would not surface. My sisters would accompany me as I broke down from remembering how my birth mother, Sally died. How Poseidon didn't help her, how Gabe abused me and her, how my mothers adopted me so quickly without hesitation, a true definition for a mother unlike mother earth who rules with fear.

(For those confused who read this story much earlier before edits, he is not blessed by Gaea. Clear? Crystal. On with the story

On the other hand, Piper reminded me of how I was with my family. She must have been devastated to find that she would have to betray her friends for her father. Her father who seemly understood her but in reality, didn't. She didn't like the attention which her sisters wanted, and grew to be strong and independent, feeling that she would owe anyone who helped her, not knowing the true meaning of friendship. Her heart must be wavering that the only anchor for her to the world, Jason. The Jason she knew wasn't real. Her memories with him were fake. I wanted to curse my fake mother for doing that but remembered that I killed that doppelganger already.

Jason mirrored my feelings of when I first came to camp half blood. The pressure was terribly intimidating when I came here. I came with my sisters, known as man haters and two ex-campers said and said that they were my sisters. They sought for me to be their leader because I was the son of seven gods. They were afraid of me and one certain demigod hated me. Jason on the other hand had to reach the expectations of the campers after seeing me. They expected the son of 'Zeus' to do as well as the son of Poseidon aka me, not Peter. There was no one who seemed to understand him even if they supposedly supported him. The only ones he was comfortable with were settling in at camp easily amongst their brothers and sisters and there he was in the middle of nowhere all alone.

The campers swarmed towards us as we walked to the dining pavilion.

"Did you free Hera?" Chiron eagerly asked. Leaning forward from his wheelchair.

"About that..." I said, walking out from the shadows. Clarisse and Nico punched my arm and then went on to grab their knuckles as their fist connected with my arms. The blessing of being a god I guess, is that it makes my skin rather strong...

"Heya cousins! But we've got no time. I have come with important news. Chiron this is about the other camp." His tan face from years of training visibly paled.

"How did you..?"

"The hunt...travels a lot, anyway, have you noticed how Kronos's throne at mount Othrys was gone after my battle? Or how none of the quests allowed you to go near San Fransisco? Well, that's because there is another camp. A camp just like ours but not Greek. A Roman camp."

The camp was overrun by murmurs, shouts and whispers as some grew angry because of the past secrecy, or some grew curious on how we were kept apart.

"Silence!" I yelled with my best commanding voice. They did as I said.

"You must know Jason here. Remember how when I disappeared, he appeared? That was a switch for the most powerful demigods from both camps. A son of Jupiter and a son of seven gods, if I didn't exist I think Peter would have gone. Now, Jason's family is an odd one. It was unheard of for a god to have children in both forms. Jason is the son of Jupiter, whilst his sister, Thalia is a daughter of Zeus. When. God has a child in either of their forms, the powers the child receives become different. A Greek demigod for example a child of Zeus, will be able to control both the mist and lightning, whilst Jupiter's child can fly, and only use lightning when they have the blessing of Zeus. Same for Hades, children of Hades control the dead, and the shadows whilst Pluto's children have power over the gems and riches of the earth."

"How about us!?" An Apollo child asked.

"So, Zeus- mist, lightning
Jupiter- flight, air
Poseidon- water (Percy is an exception okay?)
Neptune- earth shaking.
Hades- dead, shadows
Pluto- riches
Demeter- plants
Ceres- earth
Apollo G- archery, music
Apollo R- prophecy, light
Hephaestus- forgery, fire
Vulcan- metals
Dionysus- grapes, wine
Bacchus- insanity, party
Hermes- stealing, mischief
Mercury- languages, speed
Aphrodite- beauty, charm speak
Venus- love, birds
Ares- war
Mars- blood shed, battle.

Athena only has Greek children and if she had any Roman children which is highly unlikely how she detests them, they were killed immediately, one of the reasons why she hated the Romans... Anyway, all cabin counsellors, meet me at the entrance of my cabin, that includes you too Leo. Meet me in five minutes."

I shadow travelled to our cabin with Khione and decided to IM my mom.

"Oh Fleecy do me a solid and show Artemis at camp Jupiter." The air shimmered and my mother appeared. She seemed perfectly relaxed and was building a fire in an old fashioned way to use some time.

"Oh Percy! Did your meeting with Boreas go well?"

"Urm, kind of? Well, we're at camp half blood at the moment and I'll flash the counsellors to camp Jupiter in a second. Then, the Romans and you guys will fight in the war games as I send the Greeks back to camp, then I'll go save Hera and Piper's dad."

"Good plan, and be careful. I'll meet you soon alright?"

"See you soon mom, love you!" He whispered the end and waved his hand through the image, making it disappear.

Perfectly, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and found Jake Mason, Clarisse la Rue, Conner and Travis Stoll, Annabeth Chase, Katie Gardner, Peter Johnson, Pollux Vine, Will Solace, Nico di Angelo, Jason Grace, Piper McLean and Leo Valdez.

"I will teleport you to camp Jupiter okay? Nico will be familiar with this travel method but if you dislike, roller coasters, dark places or sudden drops, I can vapour travel you, or I can snow travel you. Which one do you want?" The campers stared at me for a second until Annabeth finally said,
"Snow travel because if anything goes wrong, Khione can back you up."

"I'm sorry Annabeth but Percy's far advanced than me at snow magic than I" Khione said, earning wider eyes.

"Why would you better at it than the Goddess of SNOW?" A rather confused Peter said.

"I'm the son of your father which gives me power over water. Besides, she blessed me." I said rather simply. How could I be bothered to answer seriously, when there are far more important matters to discuss?

"Snow travel it is then!" I clapped my hands and everyone disappeared into snow, as I clapped my hands again and unpicked the threads of time, moving it again.
I flashed to the hunters camp site and that earned punches and hugs from my sisters.

I pouted. Who knew that suddenly appearing behind them would scare the living hell out if the most trained female warriors.


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