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I could not believe my mother. She told me that she had contacted my sisters about my disappearance!! I flashed immediately to my mother's temple once I saw my sisters calm down. I saw her sitting on a pure white couch, reading a magazine.



''Why didn't you tell my sisters that I was gone!''

''Because I hate you! As well as your sisters!!''

My anger faltered for a moment. Then I met her eyes. They shone a dangerous shade of gold. Eidolons. I quickly twisted my ring and got my staff out. I held my symbol of power next to my 'mother's' neck.

"Get out of my mother's body you monster!" I yelled. Being the god of all gave me the power of charm speak.

"I cannot. This is a shape shifter's body. The Queen of gods is now captured."

"Where is she?!''

"Lupa's temple" was it's last words as I blasted it with energy.
I went back to camp half blood just in time to hear another prophecy.

"Child of lightning, beware the earth,
The giants' revenge the seven shall birth,
The forge and dove shall break the cage,
And death unleash through Hera's rage."

I saw three more campers present, one wearing make up and a revealing dress, one with curly brown hair and a greasy shirt, one wearing a purple shirt, who actually looked like he had amnesia with his face of insecurity and shifty stance. Ah, so he's Jason Grace.

Thalia must not know because she was in the cabin this whole time.

I quickly made myself invisible and walked back to my cabin. I am really glad I have these powers...

My sisters hugged me for reassurance and I hugged them back.

"My sisters, I believe we should travel to Olympus."

"But why?"

"If things go on like this, Thalia, you cannot meet your brother, Jason. Khione, you cannot guide him and his companions and if they don't do that, Hera will be imprisoned forever as well as her power bring used to raise our new enemy, Gaea."

They looked confused for a second, so I shared my knowledge of the future with them as discreetly as possible.

"But Percy! Hera didn't tell us anything and just let you disappear for 8 months!" Phoebe yelled.

Thalia rubbed her chin as she remembered her younger brother.

Khione looked disheartened as she thought of going back to her cold hearted father and stupid brothers.

"That Hera was not real. She was still real when I carried her to camp Jupiter but must have been kidnapped or in this case god-napped into an unbreakable cage. A doppelganger was controlled by an Eidolon in Olympus which I already killed."

They all sighed in relief that their maternal figure was not fake.

"How did they not recognise the fake one though?" Bianca questioned.

"Gaea must have had her hand in this. She's a primordial goddess, such things would be easy." They accepted my explanation, and I flashed us all to Olympus.

Walking to the centre of throne room, I sent a ray of energy to the roof of it's marble greatness.

The call summoned the gods, including the mighty Mr Thunder Pants himself.

"Who dare enter the throne of Olympus!" Zeus thundered. His symbol of power sending waves of electricity around him.

"It is I. Perseus Jackson. As well as my twin, and my sisters in the hunters of Artemis." I said, bowing excessively, mocking the dramatic King.

"Ah. But what of that power just now? It was from a minor, if not a major god. It was not Khione's power either"

"There has been something that was kept secret your majesty. After our previous meeting, the fates have appointed me as a god."

There was a sharp intake of breaths and the gods stared at me in wonder.

"Boy, why don't you take your hood off? There are only your sisters and parents here."

I had completely forgotten that I had my hood on. I guess 11 years being under it gets you used to it.

I took it off and all the goddesses except my mom, Hestia and Athena fell off their thrones. The gods who were leaning onto their arm rests slipped and hit their faces with their fists. My sisters behind me patted me on the back as if they were sorry for something. That's when they tried to attack.

Aphrodite jumped at me, yelling at me to kiss her with charm speak, Demeter made some barley and wheat sprout around my ankles so I couldn't move. Poseidon threw water at me, Zeus hit me with lightning, Ares shot me with a gun. Hephaestus, Dionysus, Athena, Hermes, Dad and Mom just observed with amusement.

Why on earth did they have to over react like this? Every. Single. Time!???

Taking a deep breath, I side stepped Aphrodite's jump and blocked out her charm speak. Then I cut through the veins of nature with my staff. I was energised by the water being the son of Poseidon, and Zeus's lightning was easily dodged. I made a shield of water against the bullets and I froze time, walked next to my sisters, then unfroze time.

The gods looked at themselves in confusion, wondering where the new god had gone.

"Before you attack me again, let me tell you that the fates has told me that I can beat all of you even if it is 12 against 1."

The gods stated at me and I realised that they were mocking me in their minds.

"I am the Olympian God of loyalty, family love, trust and power. My domains are everything ever created. Apparently, I am more powerful than any god or primordial. My symbol of power is this, a ring, staff, sword, bow and arrows." I raised my hands as if to say: I don't know why either!

The explaining bit was fast, wanting this to finish as quickly as possible. I wanted to go to the fates, still unable to comprehend why the fates chose me to be their 'God of All'. Surely there was someone better??

They all raised their hands, and I gave up with trying to stop people/gods from doing this...

"All hail, Perseus Jackson, god of loyalty, family love, trust and power. The most powerful god of all."


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