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So, I'm a son of Mars, who's friends with Percy who's actually Greek, and is sisters with the hunters of Diana and is the son of six gods. I'm going crazy. Goodbye...


We were murmuring what we thought was true until my father clapped his hands.

"So I've heard that the fifth cohort has lost their eagle. I will call for a quest so that you can retrieve it."

Percy raised his hand awkwardly and stuttered out.
"Umm about that. I may have retrieved it already..?" He twisted his hand and there it was, a gleaming gold eagle with the words SPQR beneath it, on a long gold stick.

"What? How? Why?"

"Because we need to focus on something bigger. Gaea, the very earth its self is rising. Upon reawakening and discovering that the Olympians banished her Titan children to the Pit, Gaea consorted with Tartarus and gave birth to a new set of children: the Gigantes , each one born to oppose a specific god. For this upcoming war, we need both Romans and Greeks to fight. We can't let this stupid feud get in our way. Do you even know why we started this feud? It was because the Greeks had a style for something, Romans copied it, Greeks got angry, Romans got angry, ta daa!! feud made!!"

My head hurts... Too much information...

"I understand that this is extremely difficult to swallow in one go, but please. Believe me."

"My greyhounds are not running after you. I guess you are telling the truth." Reyna said, after what felt like an hour of silence.

"Percy, I like her! Can she join the hunters?" The girl with spiky hair said.

"What hunters?" Our Praetor asked.

"The hunters of Artemis of course. A band of girls who have sworn off boys, go and hunt monsters. By joining, you get to be partially immortal, unless you die in battle, and also you become Percy's sister." The girl said.

"Why would I want that?" Reyna asked.

"Don't you want to repay your saviour?" Another girl, with red hair said.

Now everyone was puzzled. Everyone except Percy, who looked down, slightly guilty.

"Um about that, Imayhaveerasedyourmemorysothatyouwon'ttellwhoIam?"


"I may have erased your memory so that you won't tell who I am?"

"Give it back!"

"Yes yes!" He raised his hands in surrender and sent something which looked like glowing string to her head.

After it went in, Reyna did something that no human thought that they would see. . .

She hugged Percy, and cried.
"T-thank y-you"

"Hey! No problem!"

She continued to cry onto his shoulder as the legion stared at them. After she had calmed down, the girl with spiky hair asked,

"Would you like to join now?"


"It would mean that you need to stop being praetor though" Percy added. We stared at Reyna, wondering what her decision would be.

"I don't mind." She finally said.

"Then who's going to be praetor?" Someone in the crowd asked.

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