I killed Lyacon and the remaining werewolves bowed down. I howled out and the wolves answered my call.
"Yes!" We looked at Leo who yelled in victory, looking at the open cage. Piper fell to her knees, her first time to use her powers that much.
"Hera! You're out!" My twin cheered, but she could not jump up to greet her since she had Hannah on her lap, fallen unconscious from her overuse of power in the first time since the last time she was 'alive' which was eighty years back. I trudged over to them and Khione passed Hannah to me and ran to Hera, a mother she never had.
"Aww~" Piper cooed from the opposite side of the battlefield.
"Piper, not now. Come on Hannah, wake up." I whispered, unconsciously using charm speak. Her head twitched and her eyelids slowly rose, about to show the world the beautiful blend of colours called her eyes.
"Why hello handsome" she slurred, stroking my chin, her eyes had a slight pink tinge which didn't go unnoticed. I visibly froze and my brain stopped functioning. The next thing I knew, Hannah was limp in my arms again and Piper was squealing extremely loudly.
"OMG! They kissed! First time ever for a ship to become a canon this quick! Aaaaah!!!" I looked down, then at Piper, then at Hannah again. My face grew hotter and hotter and I could see that even the bridge of my nose was scarlet red.
''Aphrodite!'' I yelled and the love goddess appeared, fangirling next to Piper. Piper high-fived her mother and started whispering about some stuff, what has a lemon got anything to do with this?
"Aww~ does little Percy wercy have a crush~" Thalia teased, knowing she was safe because I had Hannah in my arms.
"You're getting it pine cone face once she's awake, watch your back." She shivered slightly at my threat but was fine once I felt Hannah stir in her sleep.
''Huh? What happened?'' She yawned cutely and looked up, then tried to get up but failed, slumping back into my embrace. It was her turn to get red and being the two idiots we were, we just stayed there, both our faces crimson red. Hannah in my arms as I froze in my spot and Hannah unable to get up because she was extremely tired.
''Um-'' We looked away, and before we became a stuttering mess there was an explosion in the woods nearby. Piper cussed and glared at the forest hard with suffocating bloodlust. We gulped as we saw the murderous daughter of Aphrodite and I got up, then offered my hand to Hannah which she gladly took. Her knees gave away and she fell down again.
''Son, this is the part where you carry Hannah bridal style.'' Mother offered and my face heated up again. Seriously, who would've thought one's face can heat up so much!
'But moth-''
''I will have none of that young sir. Now act like the gentleman I raised you to be.'' The goddess of marriage ushered us and I picked Hannah up easily. She was as light as a feather and also looked adorable, her face was deep red and she turned from my gaze, looking down because apparently, she was finding her hands unavoidably interesting.
''Now, what was that explosion?''
''Oh sorry, that was me,'' Leo said, running back from the forest, his clothes scorched and still slightly burning. Soot and grease covered his face and he was grinning like a madman.
''Leo!!!, what do you think you have done!''
''I was fixing Festus so we can ride to Mr McLean!'' Leo protested, trying to save himself from an angry daugher of Aphrodite.
''Wow! Yeah, you're right we need to go quickly. Jason, Piper, Leo you guys ride Festus. Khione, you and I are going to snow travel the rest to Mount Diablo.''
''I think I'll snow travel you guys for once,'' Kori said with a mischievous smirk. I frowned at her smirk but agreed nonetheless.
''Piper, if you want to, you can tell Tristan who I am... Though it is your choice. If you do not want your father to suffer from all of the information, kiss him on the cheek, that will make him lose all memories related to us gods. I love you my dear, good luck.'' Aphrodite disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.
''See you Leo, Jason, Piper, everyone else hold my hands,'' Khione instructed and we did as told. In a second we were flying through space as snow but something went wrong.
I woke up.
"Seaweed brain!? Get up! It's already eleven!" I heard a familiar voice yell.
"I'm up! I'm up!"
"How were you asleep for so long!?" Annabeth complained, a fond look taking over despite the words.
"I don't know. I had this odd dream, where I was really powerful, and for some reason, I wasn't with you, but with another girl...I don't remember who..."
"Gods Percy. You should very well know that I'm your girlfriend. Or did Hera mess it up again and you've forgotten who I am?" She joked.
"I doubt it, cause you're my wise girl, and forever mine you shall be!" I laughed. Tackling her to the ground and kissing her forehead.
"And forever mine you shall be." She laughed back.
We rolled on the ground and my dream faded away.
Hannah Chique, and Perseus, son of seven gods. Peter Johnson, and a nice Khione, was gone.
Replaced by reality, forever more.

The Son of the Hearth, Moon, Sun, Underworld, Spring and Marriage
FanfictionWhen Perseus Jackson was young, he was constantly abused by his loving stepfather, Gabe Ugliano. *snorts* One day, when Sally Jackson went to kindergarten to pick Percy up, they were attacked by a single hellhound. As Sally Jackson takes her final...