I looked around Artemis's campsite in a daze. What was actually on my mind was my father... And Percy... How did he know that my father was in danger? how did he know where he was? How did he know that I was scared out of my mind that I will betray the only place I ever felt as a home for my father?
My thoughts became jumbled as one of the girls with stringy red hair approached me.
''You Piper McLean?''
''I'm Phoebe, daughter of Ares. One of Percy's sisters.''
"You were in Percy's memory... But how could you be his sisters? He's not a son of Ares?''
''When Percy survived his task to defeat Kronos, the gods granted him three wishes. He used them to become the literal son of his adoptive parents and the brother to all hunters of Artemis. We all call him our brother and amongst all of them we, meaning Me, Thalia, the one with spiky black hair and a tiara and the vice-lieutenant of Artemis. Zoë Nightshade, the head lieutenant of Artemis. She used to be one of the Hesperides protecting the golden apple tree but was betrayed by the blasted son of Zeus, Heracles and became one of our sisters, she's the daughter of Atlas. Then there's Bianca di Angelo, and I think you know her brother, Nico. One of the few decent males other than Percy. She, as I think you can guess, is a daughter of Hades. Then the one you met a few hours ago, Khione goddess of snow.''
''Big family huh? I wish I had a big family who loved me like you love each other...''
''Is being the daughter of Tristan McLean a heavy load?''
''Yeah it is... Wait how did you know?''
''Percy's told me all about you, especially because Thalia wanted to know who her baby brother was dating. Percy didn't betray you and tell everyone your secret but believe me it's pretty obvious if you think about it. Daughter of Aphrodite, Piper McLEAN. Who does it make you think of? a famous good-looking male actor, Tristan McLean? Yep it was easy.''
''Oh. I guess I never thought about it...''
''Did you cut your hair by yourself?''
''Yeah, I wanted to have less attention because apparently, I'm nice looking, and I didn't want any more attention to myself.''
''A non-attention seeking daughter of Aphrodite eh? I like you, but now you're a demigod, always remember that beauty can be used as a weapon. Come on, I'll cut it evenly for you.''
''but I'm going on a quest in a few minutes, I-''
''It's fine! if we are really running slim on time I can just ask my dear bother to stop it.''
''Oh yeah, he can control time can't he...''
''Now get over here.'' She motioned for me to sit on an empty silver stool and got out her celestial bronze dagger. ''Don't worry, I'm not going to cut your head off.'' I sat on the stool as a few hunters watched me.
''You'll be fine Piper, Phoebe cuts all of our hair. She's like our personal hairdresser.'' The girl with olive skin, Bianca I think, said.
''Piper, what kind of hair do you want?''
"I want to cut most of it off. Can you make it like a slightly long pixie cut?''
''Sure, tomboy''
After a few minutes, as my head grew lighter and lighter, and Thalia, Jason's sister came along and started telling me Jason's baby stories. Apparently, that adorable scar on his lip was because he tried to eat a stapler when he was young... Not sure if I should call the reasoning adorable or not...
After a few more minutes Phoebe yelled, ''Done!''
One of the girls rushed over to me and handed me a pocket mirror. It looked beautiful. My hair was no longer choppy and uneven but looked wavy and neat.
''Thank you so much!!''
''No problem, good luck with your quest Piper!''
I then heard Jason and Leo yelling my name from the outside of Artemis's camp because they were boys and not allowed in the maiden's camp. I rushed over to them and found them gaping at me.
''P-Piper... is that you?'' my boyfriend stuttered. I smirked, beauty can be used as a weapon.
''Hey beautiful, my name's Leo Mcshizzle Valdez, do you want to go out sometime?''
''Eww! Leo, it's me! Piper.''
''I know, just wanted to make jolly old sparky over here jealous.'' he grinned and I grinned back. Jason was still staring at me open mouthed.
''Jason? Home to Jason Grace who tried to eat a stapler when he was two, Jason?'' His face grew redder and redder until finally, he looked like pepperoni pizza, blooming red.
''How did you!''
''Tell your sister I'd love to talk with her again!'' I mused and he turned around trying to look for his sister.
''Ah there you are!'' Percy said as he carried five girls on his back. Including Thalia, Khione and Phoebe.
''This is Zoë Nightshade, Bianca di Angelo, Phoebe Payne, Thalia not Grace and Khione Jackson. They'll be coming with us on our quest!!'' (I thought I'll make a name for Phoebe... you pronounce it as 'pain' okay?)
''Oh. Okay. Nice to meet you. I'm Piper McLean. This is Jason Grace and this one's Leo Valdez. Don't mind him if he flirts with you. He does that to any girl he finds.''
''Nice to meet you too. So here's the plan. First, we go to Medea's mall to free Gleeson and the storm spirits, then we go to Aeolus's palace because we've got some important business for Leo there, then we go to Mount Diablo, free Piper's dad, then we go to the wolf house and free my mother, Hera. Sound good?'' Percy said.
''Yeah. All fine. How will we get to all of these places? Urm. Khione can flash there, I can snow travel as well as vapour travel, Anca can shadow travel, so can I, and you three have Festus but which method of transport do you want?'' Wow, who would have thought that a quest could be this luxurious...
''Urm, can we try snow travel because I'm a son of Jupiter as well as Thalia being the daughter of Zeus so I don't want to anger Pluto or Hades or whoever.''
''That'll be fine. Bianca, Nico, Hazel and I are Hades/Pluto's only children, therefore his favourite. So he won't kill you. Anyway, let's snow travel.'' Percy clapped his hands and we each had a bag filled with food, clothes, a shield and another pair of shoes.
''How did yo-''
''Being a son of Hestia has its perks.'' oh.
''Well, let's go!'' He snapped his fingers and everybody stopped moving. there was no wind, and everything turned slightly golden. Artemis walked over to us.
''Good luck, and free my fellow mother.''
''Course we will mom. Who do you take me for!?''
''A wonderful son. Now go ahead, and save the world from peril once more.''
I saw her smile, as we were sucked into a vortex of snow.

The Son of the Hearth, Moon, Sun, Underworld, Spring and Marriage
FanfictionWhen Perseus Jackson was young, he was constantly abused by his loving stepfather, Gabe Ugliano. *snorts* One day, when Sally Jackson went to kindergarten to pick Percy up, they were attacked by a single hellhound. As Sally Jackson takes her final...