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I was distressed. Not a damsel in distress but a sister in distress. I finally had a brother who cared about me and poof! He was gone. I knew that he was the most powerful god of all so that he would be fine but as his twin sister? I couldn't help but be worried.

Zoë, Bianca, Phoebe, Thalia and I were sitting in Percy's cabin silently. We all either had bags under our eyes or tear stains marking our cheeks.

Our attempt to rebel against our parent's was futile. Telling us that it had something to do with the Romans, I tried to use my power, but with no success in finding him, I eventually gave up.

My Roman side struggled against me. Probably because of something at their camp, but I didn't know what.

The Campers had knocked on our door, wondering if we were going to come out, but they too, eventually gave up.

I stood up, wanting to drink some water form the fountain in the centre of the room, when the falling water began to shimmer.

It began to show a familiar face, with black hair in an unbrushable state, a dark tan with well toned muscles, and his multicoloured eyes.

My brother's beautiful eyes. A sea green base with blotches of gold, silver, white, spring green, icy blue, all slightly darker as a black curtain shields the colours from the world, red rimming the entire thing.

''Percy!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! YOU DIDN'T CONTACT US FOR 8 MONTHS!!! I THOUGHT THAT YOU HAD DIED!!!'' I yelled into the iris image, not even noticing tears running down my face like a waterfall. My sisters were now yelling at him and my twin looked down in shame.

''Hadn't mother told you anything?''

''Hera? no.''

''Oh my gods. I thought that at least she had told you guys something!'' He said and threw his arms up in exasperation.

He disappeared from the screen and I felt a presence behind me. He had flashed to us. I grabbed his waist and started crying my eyes out.

''P-Perc-cy...I-I...Tho-Thought....Th-That...I...Lo-Lost...Yo-You'' I said, now hiccuping as well. Zoë, Bianca, Phoebe, Thalia all doing the same. It was an odd sight. The fiercest of all the hunters were crying for a boy. But we didn't care. Our only brother had died, and he was back.

''I'll always be there for you guys. I'm a god remember?''

''Never again alright?'' Thalia said, rubbing her eyes furiously.

''Never again.'' he agreed.

''Always be with us okay?'' Bianca said, falling onto her knees.



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