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Once we got to the basement of the 'mall', we cautiously walked by the wall as quietly as possible. Once we got to the first floor of the mall, we found loads of clothes hanging its self in perfect colour order and size. It had a giant sign which read M's. There was a sign that read;

Parking, Kennels, Main Entrance: Sewer Level

Furnishings and Cafe M: 1

Women's Fashion and Magical Appliances: 2

Men's Wear and Weaponry: 3

Cosmetics, Potions, Poisons & Sundries: 4

''What Kennels?'' Piper said, really confused.

''Guys..? Isn't that a satyr?'' Khione asked. Certainly, it was a satyr. More specifically our satyr. Coach Hedge. He was slumped forward in his cage. I could've freed him with my powers but in enemy territory, I'd rather not attract attention, so I decided to stay put for the time being.

Then behind a fountain in the middle of the room, a kind of beautiful lady walked out. Her arms spread wide, a smile plastered on her face as well as her mumbling something under her breath. She looked like a retired supermodel. She looked like she was in her fifties and had long dark hair on one side of the shoulder. Her entire being reminded me of a less dishevelled fury.

''May I help you find something?'' She said. Gods! It spoke!!

''Is this your shop?'' Jason asked, but I detected that he was in a sort of trance. is voice was slightly dreamy and both Leo and Jason were staring into her eyes.

''Yes, I found it abandoned, you know. I understand so many stores are, these days. I decided it would make the perfect place. I love collecting tasteful objects, helping people, and offering quality goods at a reasonable price. So this seemed good... how do you say... first acquisition in this country.'' Yep, definitely Medea. I guess she's using her charm speak on all males but it isn't working on me cause I'm a god...

''So you're new to America?'' Leo asked, still in a dreamy voice.

''I am... new,'' She said again with her accent. ''I am the Princess of Colchis. My friends call me Your Highness. Now, what are you looking for?''

''Jason...'' Piper warned.

''Um, right. Actually, Your Highness...'' He pointed at coach Hedge's cage. ''that's our friend down there, Gleeson Hedge. The satyr. Could we... have him back, please?''

''Of course!'' the half fury agreed. Fishy... ''Though may I ask for you and your friends' names?''

Nope, nope! bad idea.

''Then may we ask yours as well? though we already have a slight hint of it.'' Thalia said.

''Of course, as I said, I am princess Medea of Colchis.'' I gave an I-told-you-so look at Jason and Leo but they were still under a trance.

''My name is Percy, these are my sisters Thals, Zo, Phoebs, Khion and Anca. These are my friends, Pipes, Lee and Jase.'' I lied smoothly.

''Oh is that so? You actually want to tell the truth don't you?'' She said, charm speak lacing her words.

''It is true. Now may we have our dear friend back?'' She looked slightly taken back by this but smirked.

''Only if you can get past my very own army of storm spirits!'' Behind her, there was a hurricane which was just a bunch of storm spirits flying around and around the fountain. I yawned and raised my hand. The spirits came to a stop, then flew over to me in the shape of a horse and nuzzled my neck and arms. To say Medea was shocked was an understatement.

'If you're going on a quest don you want to feel fresh and powerful again? This fountain does just that. Come on boys, just a quick dip!'' I gave Piper a nod and she nodded back.

''Boys? You don't want to do that do you? We all want to go on the quest together and free my father and Percy's mother don't we?'' Jason and Leo came out of the trance for a second only to look dreamy again. I spoke to Piper in her mind.

''Piper. You need to think of all of your anger, all of your pain from the past and put it in your words, put all of your love for Jason in your words. You're up against one of the strongest charm speakers next to your mother and Circe. You can do this Piper! You're one of the most prized children of Aphrodite. Make her proud!'' She took a breath and focused her kaleidoscope eyes on Medea.

''Medea was it? I know you. You murdered your own children, your brother and betrayed your kingdom just to receive the love of one guy, who realised how hideous you were and ran away. Poor poor little M. Looking at how hideous you are and how you named your little store some people might mistake you for Medusa!'' Oooh, apply some cold water to that burnn.

''How dare you, you measly daughter of that stupid love goddess, put on the Olympian council just because of her beauty!''

''For your information, my mother's just as powerful as the big three! She is of the same generation as the Titans, and do not. I repeat, DO NOT underestimate the power of love. Got that!!'' Wow, she managed to pull off such a cliche line...

For a while, it was just Piper and Medea's battle of wills. My sisters and I watched the two charm speakers as they cussed at each other and continued to get sizzled as we just watched on couches that I summoned, eating popcorn. Jason and Leo kept swaying back and forward, wondering whose charm was stronger.

I finished my bucket of popcorn, stood up and stretched. I realised that coach Hedge was slowly gaining his consciousness in his cage. Poor thing! He's going to get bar marks on his face! I quickly opened the cage and let the poor satyr out.

Medea stared at me with shock, and Piper won the battle. Jason and Leo woke up, both losing the dreamy look. Medea studied my face with interest.

''What is your name, young hero.''

''As I said earlier, it's Percy.''

''Oh so you're Percy! My patron has spoken highly of you! Why won't you join our side?'' She spoke, charm speak lacing her words once more.

''Of course not, you whore headed fury, once I kill you why don't you run off to your very own queen dirt face and tell her that I'll only join if she herself will ask nicely. Even then I won't join. My family contains eight gods, you can' really expect me to turn my backs on those who have only given me love can you?''

''How can you resist my speech!!''

''As I said, I'm the son of seven gods as well as being the brother of one, I can defy nearly any sort of power you know? Even Zeus' lightning bolt. Now, we need o get to Aeolus' palace so goodbye!'' I waved her goodbye then proceeded to kill her.

I stabbed her in the stomach and she doubled over, gasping for air. Then, quite simply, I chopped her head off.

Leo was clapping his hands like he was watching his favourite show and yapped with an annoyingly high girly voice, ''Off with your head!!'' We all burst out laughing.

My sisters tapped my shoulder.

''Why didn't we appear at all in this chapter!?'' Thalia yelled.

''Hey!! blame the author, not me!! Besides, we need to go to Aeolus's castle, gods know when we'll get there, she took so long to get us to this bloody shopping mall!! Anyway, let's snow travel to make this travel go at least faster than us walking along the paragraphs and lines of this book!!''I got out a bag and the spirits entered it willingly. I slung the bag over my shoulder, checked if we had everyone and snow travelled us away to the weather reporter.


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