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I had my first dreamless sleep. Gods it's nice. Today the hunt and I were going to camp half-blood. I am SO excited!..


I used my godly powers a bit to check on Peter and he's turned into a brat. He boasts that he's oh so powerful and is telling stories that he's going to defeat Kronos. I am so gonna put him in his place.

~At the entrance of CHB~

"Ugh we're actually here''
Thals sighed.

I agreed."That's me with life...''

We went to Thalia's tree with the golden fleece hanging on one of it's branches with Peleus the dragon protecting it.
There are only four people who will recognize me, Nico, Clarisse, Conner and Travis.

I met Nico at the lotus casino with Bianca and brought them out. Nico hated Peter because he knew who did all of his work. He was like a younger brother I never had. I defeated Clarisse at battle when I was protecting Peter in the sea of monsters. I had gained her respect and she even wanted to join the hunters of Artemis until she met Chris. The Stolls caught me saving one of the younger demigods.

I hadn't informed them about this so it was going to be a surprise visit.

I closed in on Peleus and he growled at the intruder until he saw me. He immediately perked up and stuck his tongue out like a dog. Peleus was one of the few creatures I had tamed. One was a hippocampi, Rainbow.
A hellhound, Mrs. O'Leary.
A Pegasus, Black jack.
A harpy, Ella.

I really need to control myself with animals huh?

BuT tHeY'Re So CuTe!!!

Control yourself Percy...

After being blessed by Kronos, I went to Tartarus and met up. I was again, you guessed it, blessed. This time by Tartarus himself as well as his sister, Nyx. Why do so many of these immortals want to bless me?

"Hello boss! Got any chocolate?'' Asked Peleus.

"Have you been near BJ again? You know that's not healthy, and no, I don't have chocolate.'' I sighed. What is it with my pets one likes sugar cubes one needs a mega dog bone, one likes donuts, one likes books and this one likes chocolate...

Peleus nudged his nose against my torso, and I gave in to the cuteness...

I let some chocolate appear, and it was gone in the second.

I heard a cough and I stared back at my giant family, mirroring my look.

"Time to go Perce. As I said earlier, my hunt and I, and all of your parents will be visiting from time to time while your stay. Khione, Thalia, Zoë, Bianca and Phoebe will stay with you. We'll only stay for a night. Okay?''

"Yes I know. You've explained this to me at least a billion times.'' I fake sighed and my sisters all laughed at Artemis's fuss over her son.

"We're off to see the centaur! The wonderful centaur of all!!'' I sang as I skipped off through the barrier. Automatically the conch shell blew to tell it's camp some news.

The camp arrived, most of them out of breath. I couldn't believe it, demigods out of breath is almost as unbelievable as Hades actually being a brilliant father.

Chiron came galloping along and saw me with the hunt and saw the gods behind me. He immediately bowed and the campers followed his example.

"My lords, ladies. Has something happened if all of you are present?'' The tutor asked.

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