|| what goes around || Karma Akabane ||

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im working on another fic series thing rn. i'm really pumped for it ! i can't wait for you guys to read it, it's pretty much out of what i usually write. i'll give y'all a hint. he's the android sent by Cyberlife.


All you know is that you have to end it. No mincing words, no beating around the bush, a clean cut. Because you honestly do not know how long you can keep this up. Of course, it's hard to say that you want to end your relationship with your boyfriend for 2 years. Social interaction in general was hard, for you, at least.

Karma's hand is warm against your own, it's a welcome deterrent to the cold days that seeps through the city. But it's just a reminder of the noose that hangs like a treasured pendant on your neck. You don't know when you started to fall out of love with him.

Maybe it was when you started to see the real him.

It feels like shards of glass digging into your brain, flashes of pain mingling with fragments of painful memories you have to fight to get rid off. But you can't. As if they're embedded in your mind, it bleeds and stings but you can't bring yourself to get rid of it. You're too frightened of the repercussions that might come with it, so you try to live with it. It hurts and it festers, all you can do is live with it.

Karma's fingers tighten just the slightest bit as you walk. It alarms you just the slightest bit, you turn to face him. He smiles at you, eyes soft, like when he looks at you everything is right with the world. In short, it's the complete opposite of how you see him now. No, it's how you used to look at him.

Once, you were definite, there was a time that you were so sure he was the one for you, that he was the love of your life, and the sun, and the moon, and all that was beautiful and wonderful in the world. - But it's hard to hold onto that when you've seen him, bruised and bloody, split lip, clothes ratty, eyes shining with malice and hate so palpable it seeped into your lungs and stole the breath from you. When you've seen the blood on the pavement as stark as his hair. When you've seen the broken form in front of him, lacking a pulse. The horror that ran through your veins like the oxygen you so desperately needed.

"Like what you see, sweetheart?"

"Why?" You'd asked incredulously, because as much as you knew him, you never expected this from him.

"I wanted to teach him a lesson," he says, stepping over the dead body, "but I guess I went too far."

"Karma... what have you done?"

"What have I done," he plays with the words, testing it before he spits it back at you like acid, "what have you done?"

You take a step back, calculating possible exit points. But he's too fast, Karma pins you down, your head hits the pavement with an ungraceful bump. Your mind is a haze, you can't see clearly. He's a blur of colour, the scent of blood fills your senses. It's a fucked up kind of alcohol that pervades your senses, dulls your way of thinking, all the while he holds you with an ironic tenderness and his words - sharper than any knife, realer than any pain he can deal you.

"I don't care if you fucked around with him. I don't care because he got what was coming to him. I love you, _____. I'll love you forever and even a little bit more after that."

His fingers snake up the nape of your neck, brushing past the old scar from a lifetime ago. You flinch, even though it's long since healed, its as if he coaxes some sort of phantom pain from your old hurts, a reminder that you can never forget, sins that can never be forgiven, blood you can never wash off your hands. He leans down for a kiss, passionate enough to make something stir in your heart, still you can't deny the dark hints around the kiss. The way his teeth dug down on the your lower lip, hard enough to draw blood, how his fingers intertwine around the strands of your hair, tugging hard.

When he finally pulls away, your lips taste of blood. He chuckles as he gently runs his finger over your lips, trying to get rid of  the blood.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I guess I went a little too far."

You purse your lips, shaking your head, "it's alright."

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I want to break up. So simple, it would be easy to say but the consequences. Your thoughts bring you back to that day.

"It's nothing, we should get going."

He laughs as he takes your hand again and you go on your way. There was no way out, nothing you could do- what could you do? Karma was a bitch.

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