|| mad as a hatter || Sebastian Michaelis ||

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Not so subtle reference to SEBASTIAN STAN who played the Mad Hatter. I am very pleased with this. ;-; OUAT plays with my feels so much.

Requested by: hetaliathomas


His arms wrap around you and it takes everything in your power not to push him away.
His lips press against yours and it takes everything in your power not to vomit.

He disgusts you so much and you want more than anything to get the hell away from him.

But you can't.

And it drives you insane everyday.

But you cannot lose your sanity, it is your lifeline. If you go insane, it would essentially be the same as admitting defeat to Sebastian. Your mind flits to the face of your lover in your locket. You had to admit, if it weren't for the memories of your lover you would have gone off the deep end a long time again.

You let out a breathy moan to appease Sebastian as he nips and sucks at your neck.

Demon wasn't even the proper term to describe him in your book.

He was the 9th Circle of Hell personified.


You're lying on the bed, clothes scattered, thighs sore, and body pockmarked with his love bites. Carefully, so as not to disturb Sebastian's sleeping form, you caress your locket.

"I never did understand your stupid obsession with that locket," he comments.

"This is the locket he gave me," you say as you thumb over his portrait in the locket.

"But there's nothing in there," he smirks, "and I remember you've never had any lover besides me."

The realization hits you like a sucker punch.

"I-I've been believing in nothing?"

"I've known for a while," he smiles as he pulls you into his embrace, "it was adorabble watching you try to hold on to your sanity. I never expected you'd be desperate enough to create fake memories."

We all go mad down here.

You laugh as tears stream down your face.

This was your complete and utter defeat.

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