Meeting The Bad Boy

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"Mom! We need 80 ' s music not whatever crap you're playing right now."I say.
I take my feet off the dashboard and change the radio station to some Bon Jovi.

I sing along and then as soon as the song is over, we're at our new house.

I get out of the car bare footed and run down the sidewalk. I laugh as I step onto the smooth porch steps.

I unpack and fall asleep almost immediately.

I grab my school bag and pick out my clothes. Then I get on my motorcycle. My hands smooth over the metal. I know I'm a nerd but why can't I have a motorcycle? I hate stereotypes.

Once at school, I go to the office for my schedule. The bitch office lady hands me my papers.

I run out too quickly and crash into a tall slender boy in a leather jacket. Bad Boy my ass.

"Whoa there." He says, squinting at me. "Are you new?"

"Yeah. I gotta go though cause bell already rang. So bye...and ah maybe consider getting glasses." I said, walking away.

Once in the classroom, the teacher looks up. "New?" I nod. " You are late, Mendoza."

I sigh. "I'm sorry."

I find a seat. Well ladee da. Halfway through the year and I have no fucking idea what we are being attemptedly taught.

So I sit and wait for at least something to make sense. Nothing does, so I pick at the black polish on my nails.

"Mendoza! I know you are new but try and answer this please." Teacher says.

Fuck. I race through my brain when I hear coughing beside me.

*cough* *answer* *cough*

"Um the symmetry of shape 1." I say quickly. The teacher nods. "Very good, Mendoza."

I look beside me and see none other than the fake bad boy. Oh please.

"Thanks." I whisper. Fake Bad Boy nods. "What's your name?" He asks.

"Hayley Mendoza." I say, very proudly. Because why shouldn't you be proud of your name?

"I'm Nathan." He says. I smile. "Cool name. " I say.

Bell rings and next class arrives.



I sit. Luckily I made a friend in math, or else I would be alone.

Her name is Rila.

Rila is sitting at a far corner table with two girls named Jade and Melanie.

I sit and immediately get stares. Jade asks "Who are you?"

Rila rolls her eyes. "You guys I invited her."

"Oh...then..." Melanie starts.

I eat my pizza and throw it in the trash. Then I turn and crash into someone.

"Whoa!" Says that person who I see is Nathan the Fake Bad Boy. He has accidentally spilled food all over my shirt.

"Well thanks." I say pointing at my shirt.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." He says, shrugging.

I sigh. Rila comes running up. "Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah, yeah." I say. Rila grins. " I have an extra shirt!"

I change into Rila 's NASA shirt. Oh I look incredibly nerdy. It's February still cold.

I have got on black jeans, NASA shirt, Converse, and my olive green jacket.


I get a call while I am in the bathroom refreshing my makeup.

"Hello?" I ask since it's unknown number.

"Hi I am Mrs. Gren and I saw your post about wanting a job. Would you mind babysitting for me after school today?"

Oh yes! I forgot that I put a post about needing a job.

"Yes of course! What time?" I ask, super excited.

"About 4? That okay" Mrs. Gren asks.

"Yes that should be fine" I say.

After I hang up I start dancing around so excited.


Hi! First update of my new book. My other books are not a success so far so I sure hope this one will be

Hey for any new readers I am going to post a song above so watch and listen if you like


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