Catch Me

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I turned and saw Nathan...

I hissed. "GO away!" I said.

"But I just wanted to apologize for what I did. I really regret it." Nathan said.

"Think before you act, bozo." I said, and turned  so my back faced him.

"I know and I got to work on it. So I'm sorry." Nathan kicked a rock.

I caught the rock and threw it at his chest and it hit him before he could catch it.

"Smarty pants. Apology not accepted. I bet you're just saying sorry  cause your momma told you too. Well Fuck you. I hate you. Your a man whore who doesn't care about anyone." I spat.

Nathan looked stunned at my words. "Well your just an ungrateful asshole." He shot back.

Then he turned and ran out of there. I sighed. Why does life hate me?

He's a liar. I'm not an ungrateful asshole. I'm really not. He shouldn't have punched me.

It's all his fucking fault. He's only got himself to blame. So there.

I got up and walked to my car. Nathan's car was gone. Skipping just like me huh?

When I drove away I felt a sudden urge. A sudden...sadness. A pain.

For...Nathan? But why? This was the boy that gave me a punch. How could I like him?

I turned down his street without thinking. Once I got to his house I was gonna stop that's when I saw...

Nathan. Sitting on the porch. Shirtless. With....Amanda's best friend, Callie Renos. They were practically having sex right there on the fricking porch.

I kept driving and I looked back and my eyes met Nathan's. He gave me a snarl and went back to Callie.


I continued to ignore that bitch. Nathan Gren. Oh how I wanted to rip out his cold heart and throw it in the dirt.

Rila comforted me when I told her about Nathan. So did Melanie. But Jade just fangirled over him. I decided I didn't like Jade very much.

I invited Rila and Melanie to sleep over on Friday. They both were super excited!

Friday couldn't come quicker. That night I decided I would stay with these bffs forever.

The doorbell rang. I raced to get it. "Omg!" Rila hugged me and dropped her bag.

Melanie smiled and dropped her bag next to Rila's.

All night we had fun and played games and ate pizza and cupcakes.

We played Stress Or Confess. When it was Melanie 's turn she looked nervous.

"I've got to confess this and please don't laugh at me." She said.

"Of course not!" Rila and I both said.

"I'm bih." Said Melanie.

We squealed and hugged her.

She laughed and smiled. I could tell she was relieved.

Rila confessed that her real name was Rileanna. I thought it was pretty but she hated it.

Melanie said that her first kiss was yet to come and I said the same. Rila surprisingly already had her first kiss with Nathan's bff, Blake Milliki.


I awoke to complete darkness. Rila and Melanie were asleep on the floor.

Bang! Bang! From my window. Huh. I took a bat and my black hoodie and opened the window.

The dark figure shifted. "Um hey." They said. I yelled out "Hey who are you?"

He said back "it's me Nathan." Shit.

I climbed back through the window. I heard Nathan yell "What are you dling? Wait!"

I shut the window and locked it then I went into my mom's room and climbed out the window onto the balcony where I called for Nathan.

"Yeah?" He asked as he saw me. I took a deep breath. "Catch Me." I said.

Then I jumped.

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