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Hayley POV

Something was very wrong. I didn't know why Nathan was acting so very weird.

But I would find out. I drove over to his house.

I knocked on the door and Nathan answered. "Hey Nathan buddy we need to talk."

Nathan looked like he had seen a ghost. "Hayley you can't be here!" He said. I was confused.

"But I-" I started, Nathan cut me off by pulling me inside.

Nathan pulled out his phone and showed me the death threat message.

I gasped. "Why didn't you tell me?!" I smacked Nathan's head.

"Ouch!" He said. I rolled my eyes. "You-" I started. But I got cut off.

The door banged open. Two guys with guns were standing there.

Nathan shoved me behind him.

The guys had their guns pointed at our heads.

"Don't move!" The taller one said. "Or I will blast your head off."

I tried to wriggle out from behind Nathan.

But he kept me firmly behind him. "Let me go Nathan your hurting me!" I whisper-shouted.

The guys pulled us off the wall and starting beating us.

The shorter guy hit me real hard in the head and I blacked out.

Nathan POV

After Hayley blacked out, I had to fight them off myself. Luckily I had some self defense skills.

But that's when I forgot how to do those skills I had.

Well thanks a lot!

The taller guy knees me in the family jewels.

The shorter guy takes that moment to make me black out.

Babysitting The Bad Boy's Little Sister [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now