We got kidnapped and escaped but still have to go to school??

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Nathan POV

There. I said it.

I loved this girl. More than anything.

As Hayley fell asleep, I cradled her in my arms.

Once she was fully in a deep sleep, I allowed myself to drift.

Before I knew it I was asleep.

Hayley POV

I awoke again, inside a Honda Accord. What? I own a different car.

Oh right. Nathan and I are thieves.

I unlocked my phone and saw...

Tuesday  May 27th
9:25 a.m.
Crap! We have school.

I woke Nathan who had his arm over me.

"What do you fucking want? I'm trying to sleep!" Nathan hit me in the nose like an alarm clock.

"Ouch!" I said. Nathan ignored me and went back to sleep.

A few minutes later...

I crouched beside Nathan's ear.

"NATHAN WAKE THE HELL UP THERE IS A FIRE!!!" I yelled into his ear.

Nathan jumped up and looked for the fire. Seeing none, he turned to glare at me.

"We have school." I said.

Nathan's eyes widened. "We got kidnapped and escaped but we still have to go to school?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Heck yeah, the world works against us."

Nathan drove us to school. In our clothes from Sunday. Yep that's right, they held us captive for an entire day.

Once at school, Rila ran up. "Omg where were you?"

"Chill out...I was um sick." I said. Rila gave me a look. "Oh right. I totally believe that."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine whatever think what you want." I said.

Rila grinned. "I think you were fucking all day long with Nathan."

I turned and smacked her. "No way!" I felt my cheeks heat up.

Rila started to walk away.

I went to class feeling slightly embarrassed.

Nathan stared at me all day long, and at lunch I went to the library. Thing is...I have to babysit tonight.


Hey alls yalls!

So basically I thought since I did a double update yesterday I would just skip today and update tomorrow. But I love this book so much that I couldn't help updating today because I couldn't keep all my readers waiting.

So here's an update!! I may not update tomorrow but if I do it will probably be late.

Love you all and thanks


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