You Got a Problem With Me

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"Of course I did sweetie." Nathan says.

I'm speechless. There is the Fake Bad Boy sitting on the stairway.

I. Hate. Him.

I get up from the piano. My face is burning.

"OOOOH. IT'S ABOUT TO GET HOT!" Nathan yells.

I clench my fists. Ellie has fled from the room.

"You got a problem with me?" Asks Nathan.

"Oh hell yeah I got a problem with you." I spit.

"Oh. I think I need some ice for that burn. NOT." Nathan shoots.

"Oh I think you're about to need a bucket of ice because I'm about to whip your sorry little ass." I hiss.

Nathan raises an eyebrow. "You actually serious?"

I'm so mad I could just go over there and bite his head off.

"As serious as you are about being a major man whore."

"A girl is gonna beat my ass did you hear that ESPN?" Nathan says.

Just as I'm about to whip his sorry ass, Mrs. Gren comes in.

"What is going on?" She asks.

I flee. Nathan shrinks back. ""

Mrs. Gren smiles. "Oh I've seen you've met."

"Oh yeah we have met." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" Mrs. Gren asks.

"Nothing. I better go." I say, going to the door.

Right before I shut the door, I see Nathan's evil grin.


At school the next morning, I am wearing casual black outfit to hide from Nathan.

But of course, he spots me right away. Dang.

"Hey Hayley. Were you actually going to beat my ass last night?" He asks, smirking.

I snort. "Of course I was. I'm not about to have people hear me sing and piano."

Nathan widens his eyes. "But are so good at that musical stuff."

I blush and look down. Yup back to lame.

Nathan steps closer. "Well hon, I think you deserved it I mean you have like 500 views on Instagram and 325 on Facebook."

Course he's the person with like 325 friends.


"Omg omg omg. You got so many views and why does Nathan have you on his account and are you friends and omg I need details omg you house is that big and omg is that actually your house I mean it kinda looks like Nathan's house omg why were you at his house Oooooh are you guys dating-"

"RILA! THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN NATHAN AND ME." I said, because   Rila was totally blurting out everything in the middle of the hallway.

Jade giggled. "Are you sure? He's real cute."

Melanie groans and rolls her eyes. "You're obsessed girl."

Jade has a major crush on Nathan. She is literally obsessed with him.

"Obsessed with whom?"

An arm is slung over my shoulder.

I turn. Ugh. It's Nathan. I look over at Jade.

She's freaking out right now I can tell she is.

I take Nathan's arm off of me. "Nothing. Jade is just crushing on someone..." I say.'s the truth! Just not all of the truth.

Nathan's arm is back on my shoulder. Again I take it off.

"Oh? Who might this be?" Nathan asks. Jade looks so embarrassed right now.

"No one you would know." I say starting to walk away. I hear Nathan huff.


I have to babysit again. I pull on my brown skirt, my silver wedges, a Pink Floyd tshirt, and a jean jacket. Yes all my clothes are something out of an eighties magazine.

Once I arrive I see only one car. Phew...Nathan isn't here.

Once inside, Mrs. Gren rushes to leave. "Nathan will be by later after  football practice!" She Yells before running out the door.

Well...I was hoping not but...


"Okay! Enough My Little Pony it's time for bed!" I screech grabbing Ella's arm.

Ella has been sitting in front of the TV for an hour watching My Little Pony.

"Fine!" Ella yells, running upstairs. After her pjs are on and her teeth brushed she's in bed.

I go downstairs and sit at the piano. I'm not going to play, it'll wake up Ella.

So I sit and brush my fingers lightly over the keys taking deep breaths.

All of a sudden, there's hands on my waist. I almost scream.

I spin and look at who it is.




Picture on top is of Jade (left) and Melanie (right)

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you didn't then..oh well.

New chapter soon!!!

Love you all and thank you sooooooo much for reading even though my books are crap.


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