I Got My Job Back

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Hayley POV

I opened my eyes. Light flooded the room. Not my room. Wait. What?

I sat up and felt a weight around my waist. Nathan. Half naked next to me. Crap!

That's when everything came flooding back. I slowly took Nathan's arm off me.

I got up and went back to my room where Melanie was asleep on the floor and Rila was asleep in my bed. Oh yeah. I forgot they slept over!

I grabbed some clothes and took a shower. I looked professional in my brown pencil skirt, my black leggings, black boots, sparkly blue shirt, and navy blue rain jacket. Then I went downstairs to get some food.

There's a note from Rila and Melanie.

Hey girl!
We have to do some errands. See ya later!
Rila and Melanie

I went to the guest room and Nathan was awake with his clothes from last night on.

"Hey Nathan." I said. He turned and smiled at me, scanning my outfit.

"Why so professional looking?" He asked me. He looked surprised.

"Once I do my hair and apply my makeup I'm ready to get my job back." I sat going out of the room and taking my hair curler out of its box in the back of my closet.


"You know...you should wear your hair in curls more often." Nathan says, taking his hand off the wheel to pull at one of my curls.

I slap his hand away. "Don't get me killed in this storm!" I yelled as Nathan swerved to avoid a mailbox.

Nathan rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

Once we reached his house, the door was swung open before we could reach it.

Nathan's mom came barreling out the door to hug us. Ella followed close behind.

"Oh I'm so glad you guys are safe!" She said, pulling us inside the house.

"Yeah we are too. I was wondering if I could get my job back? I really love babysitting Ella. She's such a sweet child and I love to be her babysitter." I say.

Mrs. Gren smiles and claps her hands. "Omg yes! Sorry I'm acting like a teen girl."

I do a little happy dance right then.

A/N: song above!!!!!


Once again, I get to see Nathan's room. No its not what it sounded like.

Before I watch Ella, Mrs. Gren wants to make sure Nathan and I get along.

Which we do. We decided to be girlfriend and boyfriend...The whole shebang.

So we just talk about random stuff. It feels great to have my job back.

Then Nathan stares into my eyes. Oh Nathan.

Then he leans in and I feel the familiar of his lips on mine.

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