Forever and Always??

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Nathan POV

I walked over to Hayley who was still on her face on the mall floor.

"Hey Hayley are you okay?" I asked.

Hayley froze.

"Um yeah I'm fine." She said.

I held out a hand, but she ignored it and pulled herself up by herself.

As Hayley dusted herself off, and continued to ignore me, I sighed.

"Hayley please don't be mad at me. I love you. I really do. I really want you back."

Hayley sighed. "It's not that easy Nathan."

I nodded my head over at the guy who pushed her.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Oh that's Gideon he's my be-" Hayley started.

"Boyfriend." The guy said, wrapping his arm around Hayley's waist.

I frowned. Well I did see them kiss.

"Oh Gideon please." Hayley says. "This is my old friend from Niagara Falls."

"Oh." Is all I can manage.

"Did you just call me old?!" Gideon screeched.

"I sure did." Hayley smiles.

Gideon gently punches Hayley's arm. I smile so very fake.

"Hey can I steal Hayley for a minute?" I ask.

Gideon nods and so does Hayley. Gideon whispers something in Hayley's ear and she smiles and laughs.


Hayley POV

"You make him want you girl. You got this!" Gideon whispers in my ear.

Nathan leads me over to The Lego Store.

"Look Hayley I love you so much and just want to be with you. My mom can't stop us from being together. She's an evil witch. But we together are stronger than her. Please Hayley...come back to me."

I think for a second. I realize that I truly do love Nathan.

Everything we have been through.

When we kiss I feel all those clique fireworks and sparks. I just love the feel of him.

He's mine, I'm his. Forever and always??

"Yes Nathan!" I wrap my arms around him and kiss him.

All the little kids and their Legos are freaking out screaming...

"Omg! So gross! Ew!"

I smile into the kiss with the clique fireworks and sparks.

"I love you Nathan Gren."

"I love you, Hayley Mendoza."


Omg! The book has finally come to an end. I am so happy I have completed my first book. I'm working on lots of other books but this has been my favorite so far.

Thanks everyone for reading my book. I'm so glad that I got #2 in babysitting.

Okay everyone.

This is goodbye to Hayley and Nathan and all my other characters in this book.

I will have two bonus chapters. They will be short and sweet.

Love and thanks,


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