You didn't post that did you?

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It is officially 4 p.m. Time for my baby sitting job.

I'm wearing a pink skirt, off the shoulder black top, black converse.

I ring the doorbell and immediately feel nervous. Mrs. Gren opens it on the first ring.

"Hello!" She says. "Right on time which is perfect!"

"Yup." I say, smiling.

She leaves and I sit next to a blonde haired girl about the age of 6.

"Hi! I'm Ellie." She says. Ellie is so cute.

"Hi darling, I'm Hayley." I say.

We get along just fine.

Ellie decides she wants to watch some Disney movies. So we start by watching Tangled.

I make a snack while Ellie watches.

When I come back Ellie is gone.

Crap! Where would she have gone?

I go upstairs and search the first bedroom. Nope, it's the master suite.

The second is a guest bedroom. Not here either.

The third is a boy's bedroom. That's weird. Mrs. Gren didn't mention that Ellie had any siblings.

I search here too. Nope.

The fourth bedroom is a totally pink little girl's bedroom. I find Ellie sitting on the top bunk of the bunkbed, crying.

"Ellie? Are you okay?" I ask, climbing the bunk's ladder.

Ellie shys away. "Why did you go in the other room? I thought you were going to stay there the whole time like my other babysitter." Ellie says.

"Oh Ellie! Of course not."

Ellie smiles. "Can we go downstairs?"

I nod. "Of course sweetie."

Once we are downstairs I finally see the piano. Oh my god.

I haven't seen a piano in so long. I used to be so good.

Ellie notices me staring and says  "Play me a song?"

I smile. Yes! Finally.

I sit at the chair and the memories start flooding back.


I was sitting at the piano. "No Maisy!" I yelled.

Maisy was my littler sister. I wouldn't play for her.

She was getting on my nerves big time. "Fine!" Maisy yelled.

She ran out the door and all I heard was a scream. My sister was gone

End of flashback

I put my hands on the keys and start to play. Then I sing.

Drew talks to me/I fake a smile so he won't see/I bet she's beautiful/that girl he talks about/I bet she had everything I had to live without/cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar/the only reason I'll be wishing on a wishing star/he's the song in the car I keep singing don't know why I do

A/N: song is up above if you want to hear it. Great country song that's why I chose it

I didn't hear the door click and someone walk in.

But I heard the ding when I stopped singing.

I turn. What. The. Fuck. Nuggets.

"You didn't post that did you?"

Babysitting The Bad Boy's Little Sister [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now