Stuck In a Storm That Feels Like Paradise

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Nathan POV

She was flying through the air. Even though it was dark...She looked like an angel.

I reached out my arms and snatched her from the sky.

Hayley laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck as a placed her on the ground.

We stared into each other's eyes as time seemed to slow.

I saw her look down at my lips. Then I looked at hers.

"Hayley are we friends?" I asked.

Hayley shook her head. Then I started to pull away but Hayley smashed her lips with mine.

I felt a tingling sensation and well those clique fireworks appeared.

When we pulled away, I looked into her eyes.

"You are beautiful." I told her.

She blushed. "And you...look handsome. Look, I'm sorry that I ignored you. I understand that you didn't mean to punch me. But I went to your house to say sorry and all I could feel was hurt because I came to apologize and there you were all horney on your front porch."

I sighed. "You're not the one who should be saying sorry. I shouldn't have punched you it was so very stupid of me. Then I shouldn't have hooked up with one of those sluts. God why am I so very stupid all the fucking time?"

Hayley pulled me close and snaked her arms around my neck. I crashed our lips together and we kissed for a long time very passionately and then I bit her bottom lip gently asking for entrance. Hayley stayed closed though.

I snaked my hand to her butt and grabbed it. She gasped and I took my chance to get entrance. I explored her mouth, and then she started kissing my jawline. I let out a string of moans.

"Hey you horny lovebirds!" Yelled a voice from the balcony. We jumped apart.

It was Rila. She was smiling with her hands on her hips. That's when I noticed it had started to storm.

We're soaking wet. Rila helps us climb back onto the balcony and hands us some towels.

Once we dry off, we notice the storm only got worse. "Well I better go."

Hayley grabbed my arm. "No no. You're staying because I'm not letting you go out in this hell of a storm."

Hayley led me to her guest room and left me to take a warm shower.

I climbed into their guest bed and stared at the storm. Hayley came in with her eyes closed. "Are you decent?" She asked.

I laughed. "Yeah." She opened her eyes. I smirked. "You would come in anyways."

Hayley looks so cute in her pajamas.

A/N ignore the person just look at the pajamas cause I couldn't find someone in pajamas that looked like I want Hayley to look like

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A/N ignore the person just look at the pajamas cause I couldn't find someone in pajamas that looked like I want Hayley to look like

"Do you need anything?" Hayley asks, standing there looking awkward.

"No but will you sleep beside me?" I ask. Hayley thinks before she says "I'll stay until you fall asleep."

Hayley climbs into bed next to me and I wrap my arms around her. Hayley looks at me. "Aren't you cold with only your underwear?" She asks.

"Well all my stuff is wet." I say with a chuckle. Hayley face palms herself. "Sorry. I'm so stupid." She says.

I laugh and fall into a sleep, holding Hayley in my arms, watching the storm that feels like paradise.

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