I'm sorry

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Nathan POV

I can't believe I punched her. Dude I fucking hit a girl!

Boys aren't supposed to hit girls! Now Hayley was passed out on my kitchen floor.

Blood was pouring out of her nose. I kneeled down and held a paper towel to her face.

Just my luck that right at that second my mom opened the door.

"I'm home!" She yelled and came into the kitchen. She saw Hayley and stepped back.

"What happened?" My mom demanded. I couldn't lie. It's my mom...she'll catch me.

"I...I hit her. By accident of course."

My mom came towards me. "Nathan! She is in so much pain."

"I know mom, I know." I said, sadly.


Hayley POV

I awoke out of my deep slumber.

I felt so much pain in my face. What?

Then the memories came rushing back. I quickly stood, and a voice said "She's awake!"

I saw Nathan and started yelling...


Nathan just sighed and his shoulders drooped. "You'd better go home now." He said.

I picked up my bag by the front door and yelled "I will not be coming back!"

Then I stormed out the door to my car. Ow! My face hurt so bad.


At school the next day, I ignored Nathan.

He came up to try to talk to me multiple times but I blocked him out.

I mean I had a giant bruise on my face because of him!

At lunch I sat with Rila, Jade and Melanie but I didn't talk to them, I didn't tell them what happened with my face even though they asked so many times.

I saw Nathan at his usual table with the popular people, his tongue down Amanda's throat.

Fuck him. Fuck her. Fuck them all!

It didn't matter, because I would be okay by my lonesome. I didn't have friends or a boyfriend before this.

I have always been on my lonesome and I always will be. I mean I'm not pretty and I look even uglier with the bruise.

During classes, everyone stared but I just looked down. I hate the attention.


During fifth period, I just decided to walk out. I asked for a bathroom pass and I ran right out of there.

I couldn't take it any longer.

I sat, sighing, with my back to a tree.

That's when I heard a voice.

"I'm sorry."

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