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Nathan POV

My mom was sitting at the kitchen table, with her papers and her pens. Work stuff.

She looked up at me when I walked in. "Nathan hon, Hayley is coming over tomorrow to watch Ella."

I sighed. "Okay mom."

My mom went back to her work stuff.

I climbed the stairs slowly and flopped on my bed.

Staring at the ceiling I let myself think about Hayley.

Was she worth all this trouble?

Heck yeah. Fuck, I loved this girl.

I knew that changing my bad boy ways had helped sort Hayley and her nagging.

But it wasn't enough.

Hayley POV

After School I went home to change into my favorite outfit.

A beige-pink shirt with a neckline at my throat and a sweetheart cut in the back, a black skirt with pink flowers, my converses, my sleeveless denim jacket.

I applied some makeup and did my hair in a neat wrap bun.

I drove to Nathan's.

Once at the door I took a deep breath. I knocked and Mrs. Gren answered.

"Hi honsey! How's it going?" Mrs. Gren asked, giving me a side hug.

"I'm good. Excited to watch Ella." I said, hugging her back.

Mrs. Gren grabbed her purse and left.

Once inside, I stood awkwardly by the couch.

Ella was sitting on the couch watching Spongebob Squarepants.

I sat next to her, my fingers crossed that Nathan wouldn't show up.

But of course he did. Halfway through the show.

The door clicked open and Ella went running.

"Natie! Natie! My babysitter is here!" Ella exclaimed.

I heard Nathan's voice say "Oh she is is she?"

I rolled my eyes.

Nathan came into the room with Ella attached to his leg.

His eyes bore into mine. Then I cleared my throat. "Come on Ella." I said and led her upstairs. "It's time for bed."

I came downstairs after tucking Ella in.

Nathan was on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. "Movie?" He asked.

I sat next to him and grabbed the remote to put on The Kissing Booth.

Nathan scrunched up his face. "Serously! I hate this movie."

I smacked him.

"Ouch!" Nathan said, rubbing the back of his head.

We watched the movie for awhile, until ours met so we were watching each other.

Then Nathan leaned in and gently pressed his lips with mine.

I kissed him back, deepening the kiss.

Nathan scooted closer and wrapped his hands around my waist.

I snaked mine around his neck. He started to take off my shirt.

I stopped him. "Nathan I..."

Nathan looked me straight in the eye. "I understand."

We just kissed and watched the movie.

After awhile I couldn't take it anymore. "Nathan I..."

Nathan looked at me. He seemed to understand. He slowly started to pull off my shirt again.

That's when the door clicked open.




I can't believe I got over 100 reads!!

I know compared to everyone else that doesn't seem like much.

But I still feel like celebrating.

Thanks for reading my book.


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