Are you actually serious??

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Hayley POV

"I have something to tell you..."

Oh no. This is the part where everything goes in the other direction.

He was breaking up with me??

I started to cry. I love Nathan.

Nathan grabbed my hand. "Why are you crying Hayls?"

I pulled my hand away. "You're going to break up with me."

Nathan nodded.

"Look Hayley you mean everything to me. From day one I've loved you. But I can't be with you. My mother restricts me. She's a witch in disguise. If I date you, she'll just end up killing me. I've found out that my mom's sidekicks kidnapped us. She sent us the death threat."

I was dumbstruck.

" B-but!"

Nathan shook his head. A single tear fell.

"Goodbye Hayley."

Nathan walked out the door.

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