The Great Escape

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double chapter please read Kidnapped?! Before this one!

Hayley POV

I awoke to an unfamiliar room.

Where the hell am I???

I tried to stand but fell back down from all the pain.

My back hurt as did my head and my sides.

I looked around, remembering what had happened.

Where did those evil dickholes take me?

Better question...where is Nathan?

I grabbed the railing on the left side of the wall and pulled myself up to a standing.

I pushed myself to the door. Then I grabbed a hairpin from my hair and bent it backward so that I could unlock the door.

This place really didn't have a guard at every door so I easily freed myself. Once the guard left to get to the bathroom 15 minutes later, I whisper-shouted across the hallway.

"Nathan! Where are you?"

Nathan's weak voice echoes across the hall. "Over here."

I speed walk over there because running hurts too much.

Once I free Nathan the guard comes back.

We duck behind the outer wall and crawl to the door at the end of the hall.

Nathan looks back as I grip the door handle.

"Coast is clear go now!" Nathan says and I pull open the door and we half run half speed walk out.

On the way out we see a front desk. There's nobody at it right now. Wow they have terrible security.

I see keys to a Honda Accord. I grab them off the counter.

We run out the door and find the door the keys click open. It's shimmery silver.

I hop in the passenger and hand Nathan the keys.

"How come you don't drive?" Nathan asks.

"Cause they beat me up real bad." I show him the scars and bruises on my abdomen, sides, back, and ribcage.

"Oh geez. I'm so sorry Hayley I should have told you." Nathan says and takes my hand.

"It's okay Nathan." I say, before falling asleep.

The last thing before I drift off is Nathan's voice.

"I love you."

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