Stuck In the Mall (filler chapter sorry)

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Hayley POV

I had just sung for the boy who stole my heart.

Just because of his mother he ruined love.

It ruined any love I had inside me.

It was all gone.

Maybe you thought I'd got it back. No.

I was crying on a roof.

Fuck my life. Fuck it all!!

I ripped my hand from his grip and ran for the stairs.

I heard him calling after me.

"Hayley wait! Hayley I-"

I slammed the door.


"We should get some knives and...oh wait how would we cover up the evidence?"

Rila. Always the one with murderous ideas.

"Or we could-" Rila started.

I cut her off.

"No Rila. Look. I'm not gonna murder Nathan as much as I really want to."

Rila sighed with a mutter of "You're hopeless" She flopped on the couch.

I grabbed a dress from the rack. Yeah that's right I'm at the mall.

Rila thought that it would be a good idea to "cheer me up by going *squeeee* shopping!"

*squee* *cringe* squee* Rila forced me out of my house.

Once there we went to Forever 21 and spent four fucking hours there.

Then I got pizza.

Then we went to H&M. Spent two hours there.

Got a large fries and a Coke.

Now I'm at Ross.

Rila tossed five dresses my way.

I tried all of them on. So far I had some nice clothes bought.

This is my favorite:

Anyway I'm stuck in the mall with Rila

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Anyway I'm stuck in the mall with Rila.

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