Chapter 1 Normal

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Rumples POV

"A family dinner?"

Belle said, sounding confused.

It's horrible to say, but she's beautiful when she doesn't understand something. She lowers her eyebrows and her blue eyes sink into mine.

"Snow thinks it's a good idea..."

I'm not particularly fond of the idea myself. All of us in the Charming's little loft.

"It will makes! As a family!" Snow had said a little to enthusiastically, even though I could sense she was nervous talking to me.


"No! You are coming - and Belle, she's part of the family too!" Snow had smiled, telling me when and what time before almost skipping off.

"So there will be..." Belle tried to count in her head how many people there would be attending.

"Snow, Charming, Emma, Henry -, you..." She mouthed, trying to figure it out.

"And Hook..." I said, running a hand through my hair.

Yes we may have 'patched things up' but I still don't love the man - and probably never will.

"Wow..." Belle said, picking up on my awkwardness.

"It'll be fine!" She smiled suddenly, trying to see light out of the situation.

I sigh, she can tell I'm not looking forward to it.

I can't tell she's not either, but putting on a brave face.

"So when is it?" She asked taking a sip of her coffee, slightly spinning on the high chair in our kitchen.

"Tomorrow night,"

Belle nearly spat out her drink, putting a hand to her mouth.

She gulped it down,



She breathed out slowly.

"Right...okay," she smiled.

"But if you think it's to soon after...after..." I couldn't get my words out, I don't want to say the wrong thing.

Her face fell a little.

"No, will be a good distraction!" She said, again being positive.

It amazes me how strong she is.

After everything that has happened to her, she just bounces back.

Most people would be terrified of ever leaving the house again, but Belle, no. She is going about her daily life as usual. I know she's not completely okay - and that is perfectly normal, because if someone does a particular thing or says particular words, she clouds over. Not completely shutting down but she disappears for a moment. Snapping herself out if it as soon as it happens.

She's also thrown out all of my whisky...well whatever makes her happy makes me happy.

"Better get a move on," she said looking up at the kitchen clock.

"I'm supposed to be meeting Ruby in the library at 1:30," she said glugging down the remains of the coffee.

"Guess my handsome looks are just so very distracting..."

She laughed and leaned over the kitchen counter towards me and kisses me on the cheek.

"I can hardly think of anything else! Thanks for lunch, I'll be back soon!" She said, slipping off her seat.

She grabbed her bag, threw a coat on her arm and left. As she walked down the steps I went into the living room that joined into the kitchen.

Before turning around the bush out of the drive, she turned giving me a cheery wave.

I smiled and waved back, watching her disappear behind the bushes.

I don't know how we started doing that, but every time either of us leaves, it just happens.

Belles POV

I hummed happily as I wandered into the library, Ruby hadn't arrived yet.

I sighed and slid onto the desk.

Things are back to normal.

I'm back to normal.

"Hey!" Ruby's excited features entered the library.

"Hey," I smiled reaching her.

She pulled me into a tight hug and squeezed.

"So, how's things?" Ruby said as I settled the tray of hot chocolate down on the coffee table in between two comfy chairs.

"Mhh great!" I smile settling down opposite her.

"Good," she said reaching for her drink.

"So, remind me again of why we have to meet in here and not Granny's?" Ruby said, looking around the old library.


"Well what?!" Ruby leaned in, excitement spreading across her face.

I looked around me, to make sure no-one else was here.


I leaned in a little closer too.

"I think I've found a way to get us back to the Enchanted Forest."

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