Chapter 12 It's All A Facade

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Rumples POV

I see her walking down the street, so I race out the shop to meet her.

"Hello darling," I smile, pulling her into a hug.

"Good morning," she smiled back, squeezing me.

I squeezed her back too, I've been waiting for this moment since she left.

I brushed my hand through her hair and closed my eyes, I love her so much.

"Hey are you okay," she said pulling back a little.

"I'm fine, just missed you..." I say a little embarrassed.

"I was only gone one night!" She laughs wrapping her arms around my neck.

I'm so lucky to have Belle in my life.

I pull her closer into a hug and rest my chin on her shoulder.

I cast my eyes to behind her and my eyes fall on Ruby and another women.

"Who's that?" I ask.

Belle turns around and then doesn't look at me.

"This is Dorothy..." She said quietly.

"I haven't seen her around?" I said slipping my arm around her waist.

"That's because she hasn't been...around..." Belle wouldn't make eye contact and kept looking at the floor. What's up with her? Where did this Dorothy come from?

Neither Ruby or Belle said a word as they guided me toward the Library.

Belles POV

"You left Storybrooke?!" Rumple yelled across the room to me.

"Please just calm down! Just liste-"

"No Belle! You put yourself in harms way and I'm NOT okay with that!" He shouted, walking over to me.

I jumped back, he wouldn't hurt me would he?

"Why would you do that..." His voice softened but the disappointment never left his eyes.

"This will take us back to The Enchanted Forest! These shoes could take everyone home!" I defended myself.

"But why didn't you tell me? I could of helped! If anything had happened to you..." His hand shook as it reached my cheek.

"Yes but nothing did happen!" I wrapped my hand around his that was against my cheek.

"You, you lied to me..."

"Yes but-"

He pulled his hand away and shook his head taking a step back, running a stressed hand through his hair.

"Rumple I wanted to help..." I say feeling very small

"Yes but you shouldn't have! It's not your place!" He scrunched his face up.

"Why not!? Am I not good enough? Oh wait I forgot, I'm not a hero like Snow, or Emma or Charming, or you am I?"

"I never said that!"

I stared at him, he might as well have.

I marched forward and took the shoes from their box and stormed out of the library with the book under my arm, the 3 of them hot on my heels.

I crashed through the door of the library and threw the shoes on the counter.

"Belle stop, I didn't mean it I just..." He didn't know what to say. My cheeks were hot, I ignore him.

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