Chapter 57 Escape

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Belles POV
I don't believe it.
Am I dreaming? Is that key card really there?
I ran my other hand along it.
Yes, it's really here.
I stood up, my escape key in my hand.
I slide the the little window open and look left and right.
My hearts beating so hard I feel like it's about to explode out of my ribcage. Come on Belle. You can do this...
Without another thought, I slid the key through the vertical black box.
The red button turned green and there was a click as the door unlocked.
Slowly making my way out of the room, i shakily look left and right again, making sure nobody was there to stop me.
I crept forward, always looking over my shoulder.
Any sign of movement and I froze and waited until I was sure it was safe to go.
I can hear voices, I must be near the reception - near the exit!
I can't breathe, come on Belle. If you screw up now, you're never getting out of here.
I take a deep breath and peer around the corner.
The man who's key card I currently posses stands at the desk, rummaging through some papers.
How am I going to get past him?!
Breathe, breathe...
What would Rumple do?
He starts to hum as he types something on the old computer.
I can't do this! I'm never going to get past him!
Suddenly, the computer screen fizzles into darkness.
"God dammit!" He slams the keyboard.
I jump back in fright.
"Not again.." he groaned, jabbing the ON button repeatedly with his finger.
"Joan?" He yelled.
"The computers gone ca-put again," he grumbled.
There was no response.
"JOAN?" He said, annoyed now.
With a frustrated sigh, he huffed his way around the desk and down the other corridor.
Noway. He's gone. And, and the doors, just there...
I step out into the reception.
I took a deep breathe and made my way to the door.
I'm free.
Woop woop! Belles freeee! Please comment what you think because I'm not sure I really like this chapter:-/ so tell me your thoughts.
I will be updating again today so watch out for that! Thanks for reading - Amy:-)

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