Chapter 4 Cowardly

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Rumples POV


Belles smiley face burst through the shop door.

"Hey," I say lovingly as she walked over and pecked my cheek.

"Everything okay?" I asked leaning toward her on the counter.

"Mmh yeh everything's great," she smiles back.

I love it when she's happy. Well she is most of the time. It makes me want to be a better person, a happy person.

"Good," I say, flicking a speck of dust I spotted on the wooden counter.

"So Ruby asked if I'd like to spend the night tonight with her, and have a 'girly night'," she said tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Off to a sleepover then are we?" I laughed, that sounded weird.

"Something like that," she smiled back,

"Is that okay...?" She finished, looking uneasy.

"Yes, yes of course," I smile back. Why would it not be okay?

"Great!" She said leaning forward and kissing me on the cheek again.

"Well I'd better go finish up at the library, then go home and grab a bag for Ruby's," she said happily.

"Have fun, just drop me a text when your with her, okay?" I just need to know that she's safe.

"Will do," she understood.

I can't risk anything happening to her. I don't want to seem over-protective, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

"Bye darling," I call as she opened the door.

"Bye Rumple," she blew me a kiss.

She waved from outside the window before heading in the direction of the library.

Guess it's just me for dinner tonight, I laugh to myself. This will be good for her though, a fun night in with Ruby. I just don't need to be worrying about her because I'm not with her. Don't be like a father Rumple, she's just going to a sleepover.

Belles POV

"He buy it?" Ruby lifted from her chair as I entered the library.

"Yes..." I say, guilt drowning me.

"It's okay, you weren't technically lying, you are spending the night with me....just not at Granny's!" Ruby sighed, knowing I felt so bad.

"Yeh...ready?" I asked, trying to not think about him.

"Yep, I have everything we need," she said tapping her red bag.

Okay, let's do this.

Ruby had parked her car out the back of the library so we left through the back entrance and crawled quietly through the backstreets of Storybrooke.

Ruby drove steadily, but I couldn't sit still. A mixture of feelings kept taking over, scared, hopeful, nervous, worried, determined.

"It's okay Belle, we can do this," Ruby smiled, placing her free hand in mine.

"Yes, yes we can," I said smiled back nervously.

We turned into the forest and drove and drove and drove.

"How do you know where we are going?" I asked after a while, positively lost.

"Well, the map told us to find the 'Thinking Tree' and if I'm correct it's... that one!" She stopped the car with a jolt.

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