Chapter 38 Distraught

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Belles POV

"Emma...?" I gasp, clinging onto the cold metal bars.

"Belle, you know I don't want to do this-"

"Then why are you?!" I ask, I can feel the tears forming.

"Because all the evidence leads to you," she said sadly walking over to me, resting her hands on mine.

"What...?" I breath.

"Look, if it were up to me, I would not have you locked up here, but it's not...and your the person with most reason her..." Emma, said, squeezing my fingers.

Wait. That's who's dead. That's why she's not here.

"Mila's dead..." I gasp.

Emma looked at me, confused.

"But..." She looked away in thought.

"But what?!" I plead, please let me out of here. I didn't do anything!


Rumple burst through the doors. He ran over and almost pushed Emma out of the way.

His one hand met mine the other reaching in, holding my face.

"I'm scared..." Was all I could stutter.

"It's okay, I'm here now..." He shushed me.

He gave my hand a squeeze and turned toward Emma.

"Let her out, now," he demanded.

"You know I would if I could Gold, but, the evidence we have is...well it's enough to send Belle to prison for good"

I stepped back, winded. Prison? I use the wall to help me slide down onto the hard bed. I can't go to Not that place again. Storybrookes makeshift prison is the asylum. No, I'm not going there. No. I can't breathe. I can't go back there.

"What evidence?" Rumples voice grew more frustrated and angry.

"Watch this," Emma said, walking over to her desk.

She returned with a video tape and pushed out an old fashioned television on wheels.

I stare, my eyes wide. I haven't done anything!

Emma slide in the tape and it jumped to life.

That's me. My face was as clear as day, right up close to the CCTV camera. It looked as if I was fiddling with something? What, this never happened?! Suddenly, my face curls into a cruel smile, and the tape goes blank.

"That's pretty much what happens in all of the CCTV camera tapes from last night..." Emma said sadly, switching it off. The tv screen turned black. Rumples angry reflection looking back at us.

"Rumple I didn't do that! That never happened!" I stand back up and shout.

My heart is pounding in my chest. That never happened! '

"You HAVE to believe me!" I sob, my hands covering my mouth.

Rumple walked back over as I slide down to my knees.

"I can't go back there...I can't go back there..." I whisper between sobs.

"You won't Belle, you won't I promise..." I tried to sooth me. I was sat too far away from him, so all he could do was rest his hand on the floor beside me.

"I can't...i can't...." I curled up in a ball, my sobs turning into hysteric crying.

"'s going to be okay, I promise..." Rumple tried to soothe me.

"Please Emma, let me sit with her," Rumples distraught voice said.

Emma sighed,

"Sorry Gold but," I heard her take a deep breathe in between,

"She is a danger to others so I can't permit that..." She gulped, sounding very guilty.

"I can't..." I repeat like a broken record.

"She was framed! She MUST have been!" Rumple shouted.


"Stop! Do you really think Belle is capable of, of cold blooded murder?! That's not her! It was me!" He yelled.


Tears streaming down my face, I looked up at him.

"It was me," he said defiantly, looking at Emma.

He killed Mila?!

"Gold, what you've said is very serious, I know you care about Belle, but lying and saying it was you, it could land you a couple of months there to," Emma shouted back.

"It was!" He fought back.

Is he lying?! Or was it me? And I just forgot? Blocked it out of my memory. Was I in some sort of revenge state of mind that I blanked out and did it in a trance?

I look down at my shaking hands. How could I do something like that? How could I... It must have been me, the tapes couldn't lie.

"Go home Rumple..." I whisper, turning my back to the office.

"What, Belle, no I'm staying right here!"

"Please, just go..."

I'm sick. I'm very sick and need help. I can't ruin his life anymore.

"Belle...?" He gasped.

I was silent. My heart broke as I knew he had realised I wasnt going to reply.

"Fine, your not thinking straight,"

I know I'm not. I killed someone. I'm ill.

"I'll go now, but I'll be here first thing tomorrow morning, no matter what you say," he said.

"I love you..." He finished.

"I know..." I said, wiping the never ending tears off my face with my cardigan sleeve.

I know...


Thoughts on this chapter in the comments please! Might update again tonight as I know exactly what's going to happen in the next few chapters!
If there's anything you want to ask me about me or anything leave a comment and I'll try and reply! - Thanks for reading - Amy:-)

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