Chapter 43 Serum

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Rumples POV

Where to start, where to start... Who would have been at the station either before or after I was? There's no point me trying to tell the truth because no-one believes me. They say I'm not thinking straight and am blinded by 'love'. Even if I didn't know she was innocent, I'd still take the blame.

Now, who would hate Belle that much to frame her? The only person I could think of would be Mila, but she's dead.

Who could hate Belle? She's everything a person should be! Loving, loyal, everything a person could want in a friend, partner.

I sigh, leaning on a glass counter in my shop.

I didn't even look up as the bell went off. Huh, bell, Belle...

"Mr Gold?"

I look up. Henry.

"Henry," I nod, not being mean, but letting him know I'm not in the mood for customers.

"Do you know how she's doing?" Henry shuffled his feet, putting his hands in his pockets. "No...I don't...but I'm going to see her tomorrow," I manage to stutter.

"That's great," he gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Yes, it is..." But it's not enough.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did Mila get here in the first place? Has she been here the whole time?" Henry asked, his eyes searching me for an answer.

"No, only recently, since Belle brought back Dorothy's sho- Henry! You're a genius!"

The only person to have anything against Belle in this town - is Dorothy! Why didn't I think of her before!

"I, I am?" Henry looked confused.

"Yes! Now - will you help me with something?" I asked.

His face lit up.


Great. All I need to do, is find Dorothy and use a truth spell on her, or something like that

Belles coming home.

Belles POV

I woke up, shivering. Every morning I've been here, I've woken up in the hope it has all been a nasty nightmare. But no. Still here. But not alone...

The mans visits are more frequent now than they used to be...

He told me he missed me everyday. He'd come in whenever he liked and make me lie with him. That's it. I still hate it, but thank god that's it. I'm so afraid if I don't get out of here soon, he will make me do more...

The bolts on my door screeched open.

A nurse walked in, pushing a trolley.

"What's that?" I ask backing away, as I spotted the needles.

No. No, not the drugs. They make me go all funny, I remember it from last time. I can't think straight when they give me them. No.

"Don't pretend you don't know, now, sit on the bed," she snapped coldly.

"No." I gulped.

"Yes," her eyes met mine.

"No I'm fine thank you," I shook my head.

She threw her hand forward and her nails dug into me as she clasped her hand around my arm.

"On the bed!" She yelled, so close to my face that I could smell the cigarette she'd just had.

"No!" I scream as she dragged me toward the bed.

"Fine - have it your way!" She puffed.

She took a little black box out of her pocket and pressed it twice. Within seconds, Dr. Far and 2 other male nurses I didn't recognise came marching into the room.

"Ugh, I knew this would happen - Pin her down," Dr Far said, as they all made their way toward me.

"No! Get off me! I'm not sick! Stop! Please!"

Rough hands grabbed me and I struggled as I was lifted over onto the hard bed.

I writhed around, trying to break free of the 3 men's grasp.

Get off me!! I'm fine! I don't need it!!

"Stop! Please!" I beg, madly thrashing my arms and legs around.

"The more you struggle sweetie, the more it's going to hurt!" The nurse cackled, leaning over me with a sharp needle in her hand.

I screamed as loud as I can.

"Well this isn't going to do your report any good! Hmm might have to have you stay a little while longer!" The nurse threatened.

"Oh yes, good idea!" Dr Far puffed, his face going red from the amount of strength he was using to keep me down.

"God she's a feisty one!" One of the nurses murmured, struggling to stretch my arm out.

He succeeded in doing so and the needle went in.

I didn't scream because of the scratch I felt on my arm, but because I knew exactly what was being inserting into my veins.

Something terrible.

I'm going to go mad again.

I want to go home.

I can't breathe. My worlds - getting - dizzy.....


Thoughts on this chapter pleaaaaase! Thanks for reading - Amy:-)

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