Chapter 19 Anger

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Belles POV

Being with Rumple for those five precious minutes was wonderful. He held me like I've been longing him to. But I was so worried. So scared that Mila would come down and catch us.

It's back to silence now.

Wait - is that feet coming up the gravel? Yes, yes it is!

I race to the window, and my heart fell. It was Henry. No, he can't be here. Mila can't hurt him. I waved my hands widely in the air, telling him not come as quietly as I could.

He waved, cheerily.

No Henry no!

Mila came running down the stairs, Rumple behind her.

*ding dong*

"Who could that be?!" Mila hissed at me.

"We aren't the only people who live in the village..." Rumple sneered.

Suddenly Mila grabbed Rumple and put his dagger to his throat and moved to the side, dragging a surprised Rumple with her.

"Answer, but I swear to god if you say anything-" she threatened, making the knife touch Rumples skin now.

Oh no, I can't risk Rumples life. But this could be our own hope of escape! She wouldn't kill him, she loves him doesn't she? But I can't take that risk.

Putting on my widest smile I open the door.

"Hey Belle!" Henry's happy voice sang.

I heard Rumple gasp slightly as he realised it was Henry.

"Hi," I smile back, only half opening the door.

"Can I come in, the rest of them have, uh... Gone out," he said, sighing a little.

Mila made a slight movement to remind me that she was still there, restraining him.

Please don't make me have to say this. I told him I'd always be there for him, that he could come round whenever. I told him I'd be there when his family isn't, but now I have to kick him to the curb to. Oh I'm so sorry Henry.

"Uh...not right now Henry...I have, a few things I need to do..." I say holding back the tears.

"Oh..." His face fell.

I'm such a hypocrite. Henry will never trust me now. All those things I said to him, will mean nothing to him now.

"Is everything okay," he asked innocently.

"Yes yes, everything's fine, now I should get on, see you soon," I said, not being able to bare it any longer, shutting the door in his face.

Mila fell away from Rumple letting out a deep breath.

"Happy now," I say to Mila, furious.

"You could have said something, those were your words," she smirked.

"You know I would never betray Rumple," my voice getting angrier.

I can feel my cheeks turning pink. I hate her.

"Excuse me but I think you'd better watch what you say to me dear," Mila said, on a sickly sweet voice.

Filled with anger I could only shake my head at her in response.

"That's a good girl, now go clean something," she said patronisingly.

I stood there, staring at her.

"Off you go," she gestured.

I still didn't move. She can't make me.

"Hmm...I hoped I never have to do this," she sighed, looking over at Rumple.

"Rumple dear, come here," she smiled, reaching out for him.

Regretting every step he slowly walked over.

"Yes Mila," he was trying to contain his anger.

She whispered sow,thing in his ear. Dread filled his face.

Suddenly I was on the floor, the impact from Rumples fist being the reason why.

I looked up at him. His eyes were full of tears, his hands across his mouth in shock.

It's so hard to not blame him for what he just did. But I can't, it was Mila.

My vision was blurry and I could feel a trickle of blood coming from my nose.

"Now, to and clean something," Mila said, her voice harsh. Completely un-fazed by what she'd just commanded him to do.

"No," I say, looking up at her.

Mila lunged forward, dragged me up and pinned me agains the wall. She as so close I could feel the warmth of her breath and the coldness of her eyes staring into mine.

"Never disobey me!" She screamed.

"Mila stop, your hurting her!" Rumple yelled.

"Oh he quiet!" Mila order. Rumple was silent. But the pained expression on his face remained.

He was right, she was hurting me, her knuckles pushing into my collar, her nails digging in. But I'llnever show her she is. Not just physically, but everything she's done since her arrival in Storybrooke.

She pushed me backwards and let go.

"Lock her in the basement," she commanded Rumple,

"And DONT do it nicely!" She warned.

Rumple marched over to me. His hands grabbing me roughly. Those weren't his hands, they felt completely different.

"Rumple stop! Don't listen to her! Please, can you hear me! Stop!" I screamed, struggling against him.

"Its not me!" he cried, his grip tightening in my arms.

He ripped open the basement door and shoved me down the hard steps.

Once we were at the bottom, he threw me down and I landed on the cold concrete floor.

No, this wasn't him. This was a monster.

Henry's POV

I raced back to the town centre and skidded into Granny's Diner.

"Where's Ruby?" I panted.

"I'm here," Ruby answered, slipping and empty tray onto the counter beside me.

"What can I do for you? Hot chocolate with a touch of cinnamon?" She winked.

No - thanks, there's not time for that, I need to speak to you, urgently," i spoke hurriedly.

"Woah Henry calm down, follow me," she said, flipping up the counter flap and ushering my through into the kitchen.

"What's up?" She folded her arms.

"I think Mr Gold and Belle are in trouble."


Poor Henry, poor Belle - poor Rumple! Please comment what you think is going to happen next and what you thought if this chapter! Thanks for reading - Amy:-)

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