Chapter 3 Discovery

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Belles POV

I couldn't sleep.

Rumple fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was so apologetic about tonight. It wasn't his fault - and I'm glad he's seen as someone who can help the town now., not just 'the dark one'. But I don't want this to happen all the time Henry's family.

But that's not what I'm worried about.

Telling Ruby there's a way of getting out off Storybrooke was risky. It might not even work. She promised not to tell anyone but she is very close with Snow...

It was so hard not to just blurt it out at inner, or to Henry.

I found it by accident anyway. I had pulled back one of the shelves out to clear all the books that had fallen there and one of them had fallen open. Innocently I picked it up and started flicking through the pages. It didn't take me long to realise I was reading a spellbook. That's what I don't understand, how is it in Storybrooke? Could it be Rumples? Regina's? Is it the only one?

I started to flick through and I'd found a page titled 'Home'. It was written in a language that I couldn't read but I hunted the library for a book that translated it.

I worked out it read:

"Home is where the heart is,

But is that where you are?

Seek ruby slippers

And you can go far"

Tucked in a little pocket in the book, was a picture of a map. Looking at it had made me feel dizzy as every couple of seconds things would change. There was a dim red spot which travelled around the map slowly.

"All you need to do,

Is follow the map through,

And at home your eyes will be"

I translated as much as I could and told Ruby. She told me she'd help search for the Ruby slippers.

I slipped out off bed and crept down to Rumples study with the map in my dressing gown pocket.

I sat down on a chair in front of Rumples desk and turned the small desk lamp on.

Unfolding the map I spread it out in front if me. The name Dorothy is written on the top left corner, was this her map? Does she poses the shoes?

The instructions told me I needed to find the shoes and rip off the soles, as that's where the magic is.

I need to melt the soles down and add a few other ingredients which I'm sure I can find in Rumples shop.

Mix together and recite the words. It says you don't need to posses magic powers to be able to do it so I'm confident that I can do it. But what if we don't find the shoes....what if we do but fail to get them....what if we die trying...but what if we do get them? what if it doesn't even work? That's why I don't want to tell Rumple, just incase it doesn't work and I look like a fool. I don't want him to be disappointed in me. What happens if it doesn't work and something bad happens... Surely it would say that in the book....but it doesn't.

Ruby's coming to the library again tomorrow to see if we can get any closer to finding out where the slippers are. That's the dangerous part, retrieving the slippers. We have no-idea what's guarding them, as they won't just be lying around somewhere. It could be anything? We also don't know who this Dorothy person is, or where she fits in with all this.

I don't want to lie to Rumple, so he just won't find out.

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