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Georgia showed up in my room holding a gown and hair dye. She quickly got to work and dyed my hair brown. She put on some make-up and dressed me in one of Celestiana's gown and then sent me off to Celestiana's room.

I walked the familiar hallway towards Mrs. Koskinen's room. I didn't bother knocking on the door because it would be suspicious. When I closed the door behind me, I was engulfed in a breath taking hug.

I smiled as I saw the brown haired - brown eyed girl that I used to pretend to be. I hugged her tightly.

"I can't believe you're really back!" She exclaimed.

I grinned, "I may be back but not permanently."

She released me from the hug with a pout, "Nonsense! I'm sure Zeke would do something to make you stay."

I sighed, "Well for now, he doesn't know what to do."

She led me to her bed and made me sit down, "Everyone missed you."

I smiled, "I missed everyone too."
I fiddled with my fingers as I spoke. I felt nervous about the plan failing. What if we get caught?

"So what's the plan?" She asked.

I laid down on the mattress, my brown locks spreading on it, "I'm going to pretend as the spanish princess."

"You mean Eldora?" She asked to which I nodded, "You'd have to dye your hair red then."

I sighed, "I figured. I mean her second nameㅡRufinaㅡmeans Woman with red hair."

"I pity your hair. It already suffered a lot of dyeing."

"I pity mine too," I agreed and touched my curled locks. "What's Eldora's eye color?"

She paused for a moment to think, "From what I can recall, it's gray."

My eyes widened, "Gray?"

She nodded, "She's really pretty. When I look at you, the only thing different with the two of you are of course your hair, eyes, and the presence of a tattoo on your shoulder that's in the shape of a flower."

I groaned, "I'd need to wear a lot of make-up. Not to mention wearing contacts."

She patted my back, "You can do this. It's for your safety."

I sighed, "I know."

"She's also a bit taller than you are. She likes the color green and she has a big brother who's name is Fidel. She is looking for a husband." She added.

I rolled my eyes, "You didn't need to say the last one."

She smiled, "I actually wanted you to test those girls."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I sat up again.

"Just be competitive with them and don't be nice to everyone. If they really want to win, they'd impress you so they can have 'connections' with spanish royalty."

"Seems easy enough," I commented.

I hopped out of the bed and approached the balcony. I stared at the front of the palace where Louise and Claire were conversing. They looked the same.

I sighed, I really want to talk to them.

Why did things have to be so complicated?

Why did that stupid Gabriel Illèa have to exist?

I leaned on the railing and stared at the view. It wasn't as beautiful as the one in my room but I still appreciated it.

"Do you want to talk to them?" Celestiana asked.

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