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"Samuel!" I exclaimed.

He tilted his head lightly to the side gave me a smile, "Nice to see you again, Lady Haidee." He held out his hand with the paper bag, "Here are the clothes and also, you don't need to explain. I already know what happened."

I took the paper bag and looked at the contents, "Well that's convenient. We'd save a lot of time."

The bag contained two jeans and two hoodies. There was also two pairs of shoes.

Samuel smiled, "I know it's a bad time to say this but, congratulations on your engagement."

I blushed and stopped searching the bag, "Oh . . . um, thanks? I guess."

Tony put his arm on my waist protectively, "I thank you, kind sir."

Samuel bowed, "It's an honor to be at your presence your majesty."

Tony sighed, "I'm afraid that title does not apply to me anymore."

"But Gabriel does not deserve it."

I cleared my throat, "We should change immediately. We'd attract a lot of attention in these clothes."

"Yes, indeed," Tony said, "but where would we change?"

"Right," I said and glanced at Samuel, "You don't suppose you know a place where there's no people that we can change in?"

He smiled, "Follow me."

We followed him through a dark abandoned alley with graffitis etched on the walls. Most were about the hate toward the government but some were plain foolishness. There were messages like 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good' another was 'Let's have a dam hamburger at the dam snack bar' there was also 'I could set this world on fire and call it rain' another was probably a haiku it said 'Practice makes perfect. Ha, ha, ha, I don't think so. Ignore my sobbing'. I would have laughed at them if the situation was not like this.

I saw a lot of pests littering the floor. Most were dead but that made the smell worse. It was like walking inside a dump site.

Samuel pointed to a small alley, "No one goes there. You can change there privately also, when you change your clothes, throw your fancy outfits at the river that's close by. That would make Gabriel think you drowned or something."

Tony scoffed, "He'd be suspicious about it. He wouldn't see our bodies together with the clothes, he'd still continue searching for us."

I slapped Tony in the arm and gave him a warning glare. Here was Samuel, trying to help and Tony just mocked his solution. I gave Samuel a smile, "Yes, thank you. We'll do it."

Tony rubbed the arm where I slapped him, "Ladies first."

I pursed my lips and stared at the alley. Sure, we walked through an originally dark alley but this alley looked much darker. It made sense why no one would go there. I took a deep breath and clutched the bag closer to my chest.

I turned to the two boys behind me, "I'll be right back."

I walked towards the alley. Surprisingly, it didn't smell as bad as the way we've gone on before. It was just dark. With difficulty, I removed the gown and took the pants from the bag. I didn't know what color I was wearing but it didn't matter. At least I was out of the gown.

After changing, I stepped out of the darkness and gave the bag to Tony. He walked towards it with no hesitation. I held the gown in my arms, trying not to make it dirty. It was futile though, it was already dirty with me walking around. You might be asking why I didn't want to make the gown dirty when I was just going to throw it out later. Well, my friends, this precious gown might contain bad memories but it also contained the happiest moment in my life. In addition, it was made by my charming and loving maids. I wouldn't want to waste their masterpiece. I'd take care of it before I throw it out. It was the least I can do.

Since there was light now, I looked at the clothes I was wearing. I was wearing a pink hoodie paired with jeans and sneakers. It looked cute, really.

I cleared my throat, "So, Samuel. We kind of need your help."

He nodded, "I saw that coming. I'd help you as long as it is in my power and it does not cost me my company. It's been given to me by my father and I need to prove him that I'm not a couch potato like he claims I am."

I smiled, "He calls you a couch potato?"

"Everyday, actually. It's like he replaced my name with it."

"I thought of an idea," I said, "but I don't know if you'll agree. It would be a win win situation for both of us."

He raised his eyebrow, "How did you come up with a plan that fast?"

I shrugged, "Just sort of popped in my head."

"Do tell," he urged.

"Let's wait for Tony first," I said, "I, myself, don't even know if he'll agree to the plan."

A few seconds later—although it felt like hours—Tony came into the light wearing pants and a blue hoodie.

"Alright," I said, "now that everyone's here, this is the plan I thought of."

"Plan? What plan?" Tony asked.

"For our life," I stated, "I don't know if you'll like this but I have no better plan. We need shelter, you need artists," I said simply. They both looked startled, "Look guys, imagine this. Samuel, you'll get fresh new idols which would make your company more successful. Tony and I can sing and dance. It's up to you to do whatever you want with us. We just need a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, and get far away from Gabriel. I don't have a plan on what to do next. I don't know if we'll plot against Gabriel or just live on with our lives in hiding but so far, that's what I thought of."

They didn't speak. I could tell both of them were analyzing the plan but Tony looked like he wanted to protest.

Samuel nodded, "I do need to prove myself to my father."

"But what if Gabriel learns about this?" Tony asked, "what would we do then?"

"We'll run," I replied.

Tony grumbled, "I hate your plan."

I placed my hands on my waist and raised an eyebrow, "Then do you have a better plan?"

He sighed, "Sadly, no, but still, this plan is stupid."

"I agree with him," Samuel stated, "but I think it's by far the most doable plan."

I pointed to Samuel and raised my eyebrow higher at Tony, "See?"

Tony exhaled, "Fine. Let's do this."

Samuel grinned and clapped his hands, "Well, then! Our new trainees. Good timing too. We have a girl group and boy group who are also trainees. We'd have to change your identities, of course."

I rolled my eyes, "Well that's a first," I stated sarcastically, "why do I always have to hide myself?"

Samuel and Tony ignored me. I crossed my arms and continued listening to Samuel.

"I'd let you choose what color you want. Some of your members have wild hair colors," Samuel stated, "without further ado, let me escort the two of you inside my humble company."


Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating. Exams are tomorrow and wifi is uncooperative :< sorry for the short chapter. I'm probably going to post chapters once a week now.

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