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Of course I didn't get such escape.

They took hold of me the same way they did when they took me to the stage. I sighed as I got hauled back.

"You want a reward?" Derek asked.

I shook my head, "No, I just want to sit down."

"You want to sit down?" Tony asked, "staff! Could you please get a chair for the lady?"

"No! I meant back there!" I protested but the staff already put a chair at the stage.

Derek and Tony forced me down on the seat as the crowd laughed.

"Stop resisting, princess," Hudson said behind me.

He and Damien, too, have approached us. It looked like we were posing for a picture.

What Hudson called caused an unpleasant feeling in my chest, "I'm not a princess."

I felt Tony squeeze my shoulder, "Nor am I a prince but that doesn't mean you can't answer the question," he said.

I sighed, "Do I really have to answer jt? I'm sure there are a lot of girls here who know the answer and are willing."

Derek rolled his eyes, "But you're already here, so Sophie, tell us who Anteros is."

Having no choice but to answer—because Tony and Derek held me bu the shoulders to keep me secure—I gave up and just replied, "Anteros is like Eros's twin or something," I said, "Eros is the god of love, right? His partner—Anteros—is the god of love reciprocated."

Tony smiled and it was like my anger towards him vanished. He pulled me up and kissed my knuckles, "Thank you for your time, Lady Sophie."

I felt my cheeks heat as I smiled, "It was not my pleasure, Sir Haris," I said as I curtsied.

Derek had his eyebrow raised at our demeanor, "Well, Miss Sophie. I'm glad you answered the question, now we have no need of your presence and you may proceed to where you were going before."

I nodded and left the stage. When I stepped off from it, lots of girls ran to me and hugged me or held my hand. In short, I was mobbed and pushed around.

"Oh my god! It's Derek's smell!"

"You held Anteros's hand! Let me touch it!"

"Oh my god! You're so lucky!"

I was in heels and it was a miracle that I haven't tumbled to the ground yet. In our side of the seats, the sirens and muses just looked at me with either a smile, a glare, or a jealous stare.

I begged them with my eyes to help me out from the grip of the girls and sit back down.

"How did you do it?"

I gave them an awkward smile and inched closer to my seat, but no, I was pushed back to the center of the crowd, "I don't know," I replied.

"I want to be called up there too!"

"You're so lucky!"

"I hate you! It should've been me!"

"No it was supposed to be me!"

"I'm sure it wasn't supposed to be me," I told them and walked away but they were persistent. Every time I tried to walk away, I'd either get pushed back or they'll follow me.

"Looks like the fans are going wild there," Hudson said through the mic.

I met his eyes and begged him. He only laughed and shook his head. I groaned in annoyance. Hudson and Damien were laughing. Even Derek had an amused expression. Tony chuckled.

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