Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm. God, I have to go through another day of hell, but another day closer to graduation. Sweet, sweet, victory. I go do my morning routine before my 2 sisters can wake up. I put on my outfit and get ready for school. I go downstairs to find my mother in the kitchen.

"good morning sugar."

"morning mommy"

"you going to school with mikey today?"


Before I can leave you hear my 2 little sisters race over to say goodbye to me like 2 bats out of hell but I love them. They're probably just doing this for competition bc this is new.

I walk outside and I text mikey telling him I'm leaving now and to meet me by the train station. When I get there he's standing there with 2 coffees in his hand, one for me and one for him. The convenience of living in NYC is that's there's a coffee ship near every train station.

"hello and good morning beautiful." he said with a smile. He always does this because he knows I'm kinda insecure.

"hi michael." I giggled taking my coffee. "god did you get any sleep last night mikey? you look beat to shit."

"I tried. But everything you told me didn't really work. I just have a lot on my mind ok but I promise I'll go to sleep early tonight."

"you fucking better" I mumbled sipping my coffee. See, michael has been having sleep troubles and he'll text me in the middle of the night about his feelings and things. I hate seeing him like this so I try my best to help. I've even snuck to his house a few times just to comfort him.

We silently waited for the train. We usually talk more but there isn't much to say.

"Clover?" Michael says breaking the silence.

"mhhmm" you said very into your coffee.

"You remember that girl Aveline who came to watch us perform a gig and we exchanged numbers?"

Your body stiffened. You remembered her and also about how he had said how cool she was ang how gorgeous she was.

"yes." you said.

"well we've been talking a lot lately and she's really great. she's in my math class and I really like her but do you think it's too soon to ask her out? and do you think she'd say yes?"

"well how should I know? I'm not her."

"yes but you're a girl. I mean would you date me."

"maybe I would if I didn't know what you looked like in the sixth grade."

"shut up I'm serious. I mean she probably won't bc I don't do much and I'm not that handsome."

There he goes. There he fucking goes slamming him self down for no damn reason he knows I hate that.

"stop that"

"stop what?"

"putting yourself down when you know it's not true"

"if she really was interested though she would have said something so forget it" he said.

I really did wanna forget it but I couldn't bc now he's sad and I hate sad Mikey. It hurts me.

"that's not how girls work. just give it a chance"

We were silent for the rest of the train ride and when our stop came we walked to school together.

"well welcome to the gates of hell" he says.

romantically frustrated // m.c. auWhere stories live. Discover now