Chapter 14

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I woke up next to Mikey the next morning. I rolled over and tried to get up but he pulled me back into his chest.

"Where are you going baby?" He said rubbing my hips and kissing my shoulder.

"No where I was just gonna check my phone." I said.

"Okay. But first I want my good morning kiss." He puckered his lips and I leaned down to peck them. I checked my phone to see no missed calls but a message from my mother that asked what time I was coming home today. I told her I would be home by about 3.

"Hey, can we talk about last night? And kind of a lot of other things." Michael said softly and started to laugh a little out of nervousness.

"Yeah sure." I said facing him.

"Well, I don't know what came over me but I'm gonna tell you I've been wanting to do that for a long time. And I'm happy I was the first on to have that moment with you. But I also feel kinda of guilty because you could have had it with someone a lot better to be honest."

"No I couldn't have. Stop putting yourself down. Last night was amazing and I've dreamed of it for a while. Ya know this sound really fucking cliche but you made me feel.... special I guess." I said smiling.

"I'm happy you feel like that. I tried my best to make it about you and make you not just feel good I guess but make you feel loved and beautiful because you are. But I was also wondering about what you felt about like the after affect. Like last night when you talked about labels."

"I mean what were you thinking?" I was so nervous to hear his answer because I was scared he would feel the way I do.

"Well I mean. I've really been thinking that, I want. relationship. I wanna be able to call someone mine and no they won't leave me. So I was thinking, I don't know,maybe we could try being that cute couple."

I was so happy I got butterflies and I swear I wanted to cry. I smiled so hard I probably looked like the fucking joker. And my cheeks started to hurt.

"I would actually love that Michael." I said as I saw his face light up.

"Good. Okay. Well I didn't expect that answer." He said laughing.

We kinda just sat there blushing and laughing for a while. We talked and laughed and kinda just acted like we did before anything ever happened. Around 2:30 I took a shower and got dress to go back home and I got my things together and I left.

"Bye Baby I'll see you later."

"Bye Mikey." I said as I tip toed and gave him a kiss.

"Call me when you get home."

While I was walking home I started to think about this whole "me being with mikey" thing and walking became skipping and running and dancing. I was ecstatic. Yeah I was worried about if the relationship ended where would our friendship go but to be honest the relationship was basically the same except with more shameless kissing. I think that's how most relationships should be. That's would be great.

As soon as I got home I ran into the house in such a great mood.

"Hello Dearest mother of mine. I've missed you it's been days." I said. "Where are the rugrats?"

"They're at your aunts house and why are you in such a good mood?"

"Why not? The sun is shining. I can breathe and finally, after years of crushing on this boy I was finally asked out by Michael Clifford himself." I said very dramatically might I add.

"You guys weren't dating already? I thought that's why you're always over there?"

"What the hell? no we've always just been friends. Well until now!" I said in a sing songy voice. "Oh god I have to go call Marabel."

I ran up to my room and decided to call my best friend who never fucking picks up. But this time she did.

"Hey Clover." She said sounding slightly out of breath.

"If I was interrupting you and Luke having sex I'll hang up."

"No! and shut up he's here and you're on speaker."

"Oh fuck hi Luke." I said happily.

"Hello Clo!" I heard him say.

"Okay well I have something huge to tell you Mara"

"Can Luke hear?" she asked.

"Luke may already know or will find out. But it may be awkward if I say it." I said

"What ever just say it" she replied.

"Well last night. Me and Michael.. we .. had sex and-"

"Whoa! Fuck wait! You lost your virginity to michael! I saw it coming but this is still exciting!" Mara said.

"Wait Clover was a virgin?" Luke said.

"That's beside the point. The point is we had sex then this morning he asked me out!" I said.

"Holy Shit! I'm so happy for you both! Shit I feel like you're getting fucking married but Jesus I have been waiting for this for years! This is amazing oh god. Don't even call anyone else and tell them I wanna call all the girls okay?"

"Okay whatever, but I'm gonna call Cal and tell him."

"Okay bye." she said and hung up. I was really happy that everyone was taking well to our relationship. I mean expected my friends to be excited and everything but I don't know I'm just still really happy.

I laid in bed and dialed Cal's phone number. But he wasn't the one to pick up.

"Hey Clo! What's the stitch???" I heard Sabrina say.

"I can't stand you." I said laughing. "And I see you with Calum huh."

"Yeah we've been hanging out and things. I really like him though he's cool. But if I may ask why'd you call him?"

"Is here there if so just put it on speaker because I have to tell you both anyways."

"Okay." she said and paused for a second. "You're on speaker."

"Okay so last night me and Michael kinda had sex-"

"What do you mean kinda ?!!!" Rina and Cal both said.

"Why does everyone keep cutting me off as I was saying, we had sex and then this morning he asked me out." I said.

"Oh my god! My baby has a boyfriend and the one she's been crushing on since forever!" She said.

"Hells yeah! see I told you to get some." Calum said in the back which made me laugh.

"I can't believe my baby is a woman now. No longer a virgin." Rina said.

"Wait Clover was a Virgin? I knew it!" Calum said.

"What the hell!? Did everyone just assume I've had sex before?"

"Well yeah you're like 18." He said.

"Whatever fuck off " I said. Sabrina was laughing at us in the background.

"Bye and congrats babe." she said.

"Byee." I said and hung up.

I figured Mara would tell Bells and Bells would tell Sara being as though that's her cousin. Ash would probably hear from one of the guys so no need to make like a public service announcement. I was just really happy and excited.

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