Chapter 9

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Saturday was a great day. It's been a long time sense I've genuinely enjoyed myself out with a group if friends outside of Marabel or Michael. Sunday I decided to stay in and have family time. I wanted to tackle the day and have a great Monday but my little weekend escape was over. Of course I stayed up all Sunday night talking to Michael and helping him fall asleep. So we both barely got sleep, as usual. I woke up the next morning, kind of moody and tired, as usual. I dressed in my usual t-shirt and jeans with sneakers and a knit sweater over it because it was a bit chilly today. I also decided to skip breakfast because I was too tired to eat.

As I was walking to the train station, I realized I may have needed a jacket. I tried my best to pull my sleeves further down but it didn't really work. When I got to the train station, I was greeted by a very tired and moody Michael.

"Good Morning, Babe." he mumbled giving me my coffee. We hugged and didn't let go for a while because we were basically falling asleep in each other's arms.

"Hello, Sweetie." I responded

We both fell asleep on the train. Luckily, I woke up right before our stop and woke him up so we made it to school.

The day went by as usual, except I slept through modern history and calculus so I'll be borrowing Sabrina's notes. I was walking from my calculus class after being scolded for sleeping and into the lunch room where everyone was sitting and even calum was there. Usually he would sit with his friends from the soccer team.

"Hey guy. Hi cal. What brings you over here?" I said.

"Well since Saturday I wanted to spend a bit more time with you." he said, smiling.

"Well what happened on Saturday?" Michael butted sounding very defensive.

"We just went out with Luke and Mara Michael. It doesn't matter." I said.

"Well I just felt I should have known that. So I could make sure you were safe."

"Whatever. I was in good hands don't worry." I said smiling at Calum. All through lunch we sat and talked. He was one of those people who would always fill an awkward silence once he was more comfortable and he was very energetic and weird. Which isn't the vine he first gives off but I really like it. He's a great and fun person, and I'm happy I can be friends with him. Every once in a while I would look over to see Michael's eyes burning into me and he'd look away. Surprisingly, even Aveline didn't get the full attention he gave me and Calum.

When the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I got up kisses Calum on the cheek, told everyone goodbye and walked off to my art class which me and Michael had together and where he got me to do most of his projects.

"Clover, what the hell is up with you and Calum?" he said harshly.

"What do you mean? Nothing why?" I responded.

"I mean I don't want you to get too close to him. It's not that he's gonna hurt you, but just so I can scope him out for a while."

"But you've known him for a while. You don't need to stop him out. You aren't my father."

"I'm just trying to keep you safe so can you please just take my advise."

"Whatever. But he's a great guy and I dont want you to ruin this for me."

"I won't I promise. You have to remember I do still want you to be happy."

"i know Mikey."

Then the bell rang to commence class. The rest of the day was the basic school day that know one feels the need to go into depth with. After school I went over to Mikey's house. He needed help understanding which meant doing his art project as usual and I wanted to ask him why he was so bugged out over Calum. We probably should have been doing more work than we were. When we got to his house we both immediately got comfortable and laid in his bed. Talking about random subjects and things as our minds slip off and then we have this comfortable silence were we usually just stare at each other. Sadly I was the one who broke this silence.

"Hey Michael." I said.

"Yes baby?" he responded

"Why did you get so upset over me hanging out with Calum?"

"I honestly don't know. I just feel like I need to keep you safe and your relationship with him grew so fast that it's weird I guess."

"Would you say you're jealous Michael Clifford?" I said smirking.

"No! Why would I be jealous? He isn't the one who's snuggled up to you in his bed." he said starting to tickle me.

"haha stop it." I said in between laughs.

From all of this of course came a tickle war. Michael is like a little kitten when he's tickled. He scrounges up and giggles. I'm more of a kicking person so it's hard to when a tickle fight with me yet he always seems to. He held my arms down next to my head laid over me.

"I win." he said giggling.

He started to blow air onto neck knowing that it tickled and it would drive me crazy. And yes it didn't tickle but it made me feel another way too. I "accidentally" lifted my neck up to his lips while laughing. I felt his lips peck my neck and it drove me crazy. To my surprised he continued to pepper light kisses on my neck and shoulder as I giggled. His kisses started to become a little more rough. He started to leave hickeys and I moaned.

"Michael stop. You're gonna leave a hickey." I said.

"I'd rather do if now so Calum doesn't try anything." He said and continued to nip at my neck.

He started to kiss my collarbones and then up my jaw as he finally reached my lips. We had yet another heavy make out session. Except this one was drunk and sloppy and it was filled with a lot more lust. He reached his hand up under my shirt to massage my boob through my bra. I lifted my hips so that they met his. I was enjoying this entirely too much, but I honestly didn't care. That is of course until he stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked.

"Why do you wanna keep going?" he retorted. That clever little shit always has and answer.

"I don't know maybe I was hot and bothered."

"Well then missy. That is inappropriate, to think of your best mate like that."

"You kissed me first."

"I just wanted Calum to know not to lay a finger on my virgin sweetheart."

"How do you know I'm a virgin?"

"Well you would've told me if you weren't. And I could tell by the way you reacted when I touched you. You were surprised. But I do feel bad for being so rough on your neck because I'm not sure how you're going to hide that from your mom."

"ugh you're such a dick. I don't even know why you wanted to do this to keep Calum away. It's not like I'm yours. I mean you're with Aveline. Why can't I have a little fun?"

"Because I said you can't."

"Whatever asshole."

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